Post Town music from Gates to Infinity

Started by Matthew0312, March 15, 2014, 02:25:25 PM

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I've arranged the Gates to Infinity Post Town music for Flute, Violin, Marimba Duet, Vibraphone, and Piano. A lot of the chords are a little off, but it doesn't seem too bad on a whole.

EDIT I can't find an upload attachment button. If anyone wants to see it they can go to that and if it's good enough lemme know how to upload it. I have a PDF and a MIDI.


*Clap clap* I think that this is fantastic. Maybe some of the chords are off - I really can't say - but I think that this arrangement is awesome! Please so some more GtI or other Mystery Dungeon game music! This is great and I'd love to see more like it :D
"If you don't like instrumental music you can decrescendo out of my life".