Started by Waddle Bro, October 09, 2013, 07:57:21 AM

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Waddle Bro

wolves won

yay inactivity cripples another game majorly woo

Pro tip: Try posting full suspicion lists in a TWG and encourage others to do the same. That helps a lot more in catching dem wuffz.

TWG Mario - mariolegofan
TWG Luigi - vermilionvermin
TWG Bowser - Yugi

TWG Yoshi - MaestroUGC
TWG Link - Mashi
TWG Kirby - BlackDragonSlayer
TWG Pikachu - SlowPokemon -> replaced by fank009
TWG Samus - blueflower999
TWG Fox - Olimar12345
TWG DK - Liggy -> replaced by Dude
TWG Falcon - K-NiGhT

TWG Ness - Bubbles

1. mariolegofan
Quote from: mariolegofan on September 27, 2013, 06:00:09 AMIs this my password and username??
Quote from: Waddle Bro on September 27, 2013, 06:16:19 AMYes
Quote from: mariolegofan on September 27, 2013, 06:20:45 AMFor what site??
Quote from: Waddle Bro on September 27, 2013, 06:22:27 AMFor these forums. Log out and log back in using the account and password.
Quote from: mariolegofan on September 27, 2013, 06:27:22 AMOk
Can you tell me who the humans are or not?
A+++++++++ job for dying early!!!
Quote from: mariolegofan on September 30, 2013, 10:23:42 AMHow did I get killed on TWG?!?!

2. vermilionvermin
Clearly the most effort-putting player in the game, plus you had both of the wolves at the top 3 of your suspicion list you sent to TWG Pikachu, before he was replaced!
human mvp but tbh you wouldn't need to have done much to earn that

3. Yugi
Absolutely remarkable job trying to keep your identity hidden
Also gj trying to be a dangrang roppa character in a super smash bros themed game
sorry that you died so early

4. MaestroUGC
Superb, terrific job. You were always one step ahead of everything. You were truly the "eggstinction" of the humans with your mad manipulative skillz.
mega-MVP of everything

5. Mashi
las gradas de color naranja para frívolo
Por desgracia, usted estaba ocupado y no podía participar tanto como yo esperaba. Hasta la próxima!

6. BDS
You got in trouble, and you gave up. plus you switched out one of the best avatars I've seen

I am disappointed.

7. AwesomePokemon/fank009
Slow, you didn't do much anything cuz busy but you roleplayed and I was happy. Also you put in special effort because of me <3

fank just came in and was like sup niggas and lets lynch donkey kong and that let other people to bandwagon on him and game over :C

8. blueflower999
Activity, very humanish actions, and most likely the best usage of death post I've ever seen.

You need to get back to TWG, man. You're good.

9. Olimar12345
Inactive first but then you showed activity in the chat

Not much else :(

10. Liggy/Dude
Liggy, I was hoping to see you play! You and vermverm could have achieved great things together! Unfortunately you got busy :(

Then Dude came in and was like bitch im being frame'd ovah heer

11. TWG Falcon
I was hoping to see more Spanish :(

Yay you were active gj

12. Bubbles
Good job being the silent sidekick I guess. Had people been more active I'm sure you would have been in trouble, but hey, they weren't! So yaay!

best y/y


Damn, the only person I got correct was Yugi, and everyone knew that. :S
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


It's no fun when there's no challenge presented. C'mon, make me work for my victory!
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I knew just about everyone except verm, holy shit what a plot twist. I thought Kirby was Kman

And waddle, besides maestro being a sooper wolf and always knowing what to do, I was quiet because everyone else was. I'm not good at being clever so I knew staying quiet would be better, and since no one else was really saying anything I knew I wouldn't exactly stand out. Sorry for not playing :(

Waddle Bro

I have no hard feelings over anything that happened, the game was simple to host and even I payed hardly any attention because of the inactivity!!!


I felt really bad about myself this game (and like a burden to the humans), especially about how I completely failed at convincing people of what I thought was Luigi's terrible logic. I felt like repeatedly banging my head into the keyboard.

It's rather hilarious, though, that Verm and I got into another argument this game, but with a different result...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I think this is proof that the mystery accounts are more hassle than they're worth. Yes, it's very easy to follow the game in your normal account, but I think most people have issues with actually switching accounts to play the game.

On top of the natural cycle of activity around here, this really crippled the game like no other.

Also BDS, nobody denied Luigi had terrible logic, but suiciding is never a good way to prove your argument. Martyring yourself is not an effective strategy, the only time it works in in the case of cardflips, which I greatly dislike.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Yeah I would've been loads more active if I didn't have to switch browsers and also be in wifi
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Inactivity destroyed this game, and like Maestro said, I think that's mainly due to the accounts.

Thank you for the kind words Waddle, I'm considering it.  :)

BDS, I'm not sure why, but it seems no matter what game we play, you're always my top suspect. I guess it's just your playing style. Normally I would have noticed this and not voted for you, but these anonymous accounts made it hard to do that.  :P
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I had sorta guessed that TWG Luigi was Verm, but then real life showed up and THAT'S NO GOOD.

He also said he had guessed who I was, which I assume was right because I'd like to think I have a very distinctive style of talking.


nope, thought you were sauce and got really confused when you went inactive

So was the missed wolfing on purpose or not?


I really wanted to play this, but grad school is a bitch. Glad to see verm/Waddle heeded my suggestion to go with just two wolves; too bad it didn't really help much.
We can't let morality stop progress! - mnrogar


... bugger it maestro, I knew something was up in the chat :/

(waddle, you expect me to go in and lynch wolves off nothing?)

day 1 was the only thing worth reading, and that didnt help much.

I seriously could have voted any way that last day, the only catch being, who would have been the partner

(so need to get the "scared of beimg scum culture out of here :/)

next game please (may or may not be in)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


The missed wolfing was on purpose, in fact I was counting on the inactivity this game (based on the last time we used the mystery accounts), but I didn't anticipate I'd be one of two players who would actually play through until the end...

The other player being Bubbles.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.