TWG LVII - The Return of Mephistopheles Sign up

Started by Mephistopheles, August 01, 2013, 08:58:06 PM

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Waddle Bro

I recall you saying shiz I've never heard of like "a wee bit" or "ewwie".


The word 'wee' is Scottish but you've never heard 'eewie'? 'Eewie is just a cute and more friendly version of 'ewww'.

Also, this is aimed at everyone, just come forward and pm me if there is something wrong with me. Rant to me about it and not anyone else! I know I'm not perfect, but help me to be nicer! I can't change if you don't tell me what needs to be changed. :)


idk how he does it but Waddle Bro always knows what I mean when I say something :O

I'd actually encourage you to be yourself rather than changing your personality. You're you and people should only like you as who you are, not anything you're trying to be. Remember that it's their loss if they don't like you as who you are.