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Started by Limbo, April 28, 2008, 01:00:21 PM

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I bought Okami a week ago and I absolutely love it. I like it much more then Twilight Princess. Anyone else an Okami fan?
"I wish all the people who have trouble communicating would just shut up."


i've never played it altough it looks like a pretty cool concept. The graphics are really original and beautiful!


This game looks really cool. I think i'm going to buy it!  :D

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


I'll get it eventually ::)

I could easily believe it beats TP though, as TP wasn't that great of a game.  I've heard its a really good game, one of the best on the PS2.

me irl


i'd like to get this game as well... but i need to get mario kart wii first...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.

Shiny Boy

I'll probably get it sooner or later, but apparently it's cumbersome compared to the PS2 version.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


Cumbersome?  Explain.  The only complaint I've heard about is that the sketches don't register very well.

me irl


Cumbersome? Sounds like cumcumbersome.

This game will be released in the PAL-region at the end of May.

Shiny Boy

Quote from: Gamer4250 on April 28, 2008, 10:46:19 PMCumbersome?  Explain.  The only complaint I've heard about is that the sketches don't register very well.
Eggzacktly. It's much easier to make mistakes. And the combat is apparently very slow and requires timed strokes. But let's have someone who actually has it provide their opinion of its issues.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


Though it's easier then TP, it's just better. The battles are a bit frustrating until you get a new weapon, then life is MUCH easier. The sketches don't register sometimes, but it's not enough to drive you crazy (unless you are really really impatient.)
"I wish all the people who have trouble communicating would just shut up."

Shiny Boy

I like easy games, can handle challenging games, but HATE stupid-hard games where the challenge lies in repeating levels over and over while attempting to time ONE jump or attack. I also dislike boss battles that get progressively harder as the fight goes on, but if you get hurt you start at the beginning. That just doesn't click for me.
Is the challenge in Okami created by gameplay or caused by it?
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


Love Okami! (hence my name ;D) I rented it on the ps2 and never gave it back until it came out on the wii  :)

The graphics are stunning and the story is well worth the forty bucks.  Although Wii's version of fighting is a bit more difficult, once you master the timing (which only took me about 2 battles) its as simple as the ps2 version.  And when the wii remote is actin like a painintheass it wont ruin you cuz the enemies are easy and okami has a pretty good lifespan.  And drawing a straight long can be frustrating fortunately i just destroy everyone with cherry bombs.  Anyways, just seeing the beauty come alive again makes it all worth it.

I've always wondered though if you can get those fangs when its loading on the wii version like you could on the playstation 2.  I've been trying like hell pressing random buttons to get those fangs so either my aiming is completely off or they just didn't put it in the game  :( anyone know what I'm talking about?

White Wolfos

Yeah, everyone says it's awesome. I've heard it's almost like Zelda. Is that true? From what I've seen on Youtube everything looks awesome, except the character speeches...


Oh better than twilight princess? I want them both. I'll get okami first since you say its better. (But first Metal gear solid 4.)
Noob right here, any easy songs tell me, plz and thx.