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Question about NDS Apollo Justice

Started by chipmunk884, May 14, 2008, 04:20:53 AM

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I recently tried the demo from nintendo channel for this game, and i love it!  however, i wanted to know how long these games actually last, because there are only like 6 cases in the game.  The demo lasted about 30 minutes for me.  Could anyone post how long it took them to complete all the cases?  I want to know how long I would get to play this game for, because if it isn't that long, i might not get it.


there are 5 cases in Apollo Justice. the starting case is usually the shortest since you don't do any investigative stuff.

I'd say the average ace attorney case is about 3-6 hours with the last one being about 9+hours.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


so this means 20+ hours right?  Cause 20 hours will usually last me long enough to want to get it.  I usually don't get really short games (10 hours or less).


basically, unless you are like super smart and can figure everything out quickly.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Shadowninja, i finally got the game last night, and i love it!  I was only able to beat the prologue case, and i thought it was very long.  It took my like 3 hours to complete.

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I was very surprised that Mr. Gavin was the murderer.  I really though for most of the case that it was olga, so i was very surprised at the last testimony.


The play time of the cases gets exponentially longer as you go. The last case took me ages to do...5 hours? I don't really remember.


So far, there has been a little comedy in the second case during investigation, because i just recovered trucy's panties.  And then, i found out that they are magic panties... lol  now i need to work on finding mr eldoon's stand back.  btw, did you know that eldoon spelled backwards is noodle, just like his business.
