Clanker's Tale

Started by Clanker37, May 26, 2011, 05:21:34 AM

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How is Chapter 10?

Awesome :D


^I was totally gonna do that a while back but then I didn't.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Hey guys. This chapter took a while to write since I've accidently lit another cauldron and it's bubbling nicely, but it's very distracting. Anyways, it's Slow's time to shine! :D

Chapter 10

The Cinders of Battle

Slow awoke early that morning. It was the day of the that the Second round of the Pent-Region Tournament. Slow would be battling first against Flint, an opponent he wasn't sure he could beat.  He was deadly sure of his win against Darach because he battled against him before and knew her strategies. He had picked Pokémon that were resistant to Fire, Flint's chosen type, but he couldn't help feeling concerned that Flint would be able to fight around his Pokémon. He sighed and began the walk to the arena.

The crowd gathered quickly. Slow and Flint shook hands, just as the clock struck nine. They walked to their own ends of the field. Slow was on the opposite side to where he battled in the first Round. He wasn't a superstitious person, but he couldn't help feeling that it could decide the outcome of the battle. Dexter blew the horn loudly and Flint sent out his first two Pokemon. The Second Round was indeed in a Double Battle format.  Flint's right hand Pokemon was human-shaped, but hunched over. It was hard to see where its head finished and it's neck started because they were both shaped like a curved brown cone. It's main body was red and yellow striped and the pattern of red and yellow stripe gave the appearance that it was wearing tights. It had short stumpy legs and bog hands on thin arms. Occasionally it breathed a stream of fire on to the battlefield, leaving scorch marks.
"Meeaar" said Flint's Heatmor in a deep, male voice.
Flint's second Pokemon had four long legs. It had an appearance of a unicorn witha small horn atop its head. It's body was a light cream colour. What was most perplexing about it was that its whole body was on fire. It had a mane and tail of orange flames as well as flames around each of its hooves.
"Rapi!" it said, stoutly, confirming its species as a Rapidash.
Slow was stunned by the Pokemon. They were both pure Fire types and they couldn't learn many moves that weren't Fire type. Perhaps this would be easier than he thought. He threw his Pokeballs into the air. In a blaze of white light Slow's Gardevoir and Chandelure came into the world. Flint commanded his Pokemon as soon as Dexter shouted, "Begin!"
"Megahorn! Sucker Punch!" he commanded. His Pokemon responded instantaneously. Rapidash charged at Gardevoir, it's horn shining a bright white. Gardevoir only just swerved out of the way of impalement. Heatmor's hands turned an ominous black as he waited for Chandelure to move. Slow was so surprised by the sudden attack that he forgot to command his Pokemon. It took him at least 30 seconds to realise that everyone was waiting for him. Burning a bright crimson, he commanded his Pokemon.
"Thunder Wave, Calm Mind," he said, chocking of embarrassment. Gardevpir sent a thin electrical pulse from its hands at Rapidash. Chandelure closed its eyes and glowed a light pink. After the glow had worn off, its fire of its appendages burned slightly more fiercely. Flint groaned, then turned to Dexter.
"Hey, he's supposed to command instantly. Under Rule 2.3 or something of the Trainer Handbook. He should be disqualified," he protested. Slow felt a rush of anxiety. He couldn't be knocked out just because he was stunned. The time it took for Dexter to respond took hours if not days. At last Dexter spoke into his mike.
"Yes, under Rule 3.2 in Chapter 'When you can move' of the Trainer Handbook, it does say that trainer's must give commands instantaneously," Dexter said. Slow's heart sank. ,
"However", Slow's heart rose a little.
 "I find that you commanded your Pokemon before Mr. Pokemon was ready and under Rule 3.3 of the Trainer Handbook, which so correctly states, 'When and only when both trainers are ready, the first command or commands must be given at times which are parallel to each other. If a command or commands is given when one or both trainers are not ready, then the trainer or trainers who spoke those commands shall be disqualified.'', Slow's heart grew with happiness.
"To me it seemed like negligence for this rule counteracts Mr. Pokemon's negligence for Rule 3.2, which seemed to me like a direct result of your negligence. I therefore rule that both acts of negligence shall be recorded so that others can learn from your mistake, Mr. Trock, however the move shall stand as complete, unless Mr. Pokemon would like to make an official complaint?" Dexter turned to Slow. Suddenly all eyes in the room were on him. He blushed crimson and hastily shook his head.
"No? OK then begin turn 2," announced Dexter. Flint was as red as his hair and angrily called, "Ready?". He quietly muttered , "You bumbling nitwit" so only Slow could hear. Now Slow burned with rage. He was going to beat Flint to a pulp. And he was going to enjoy every minute of it. Slow confidently replied, "Yes!"
"Shadow Ball! Psychic!" Slow commanded, Chandelure began charging up a dark blob of darkness in front of its face, while Gardevoir waved its arms, which glowed a light blue, but Flint just smiled.
"Sucker Punch. Megahorn," he said once again. Just before Chandelure could attack, Heatmor punched in its face so fast that it was only a red blur. Chandelure was sent flying, but not defeated, and launched the Shadow Ball at Heatmor . Heatmor was sent flying and was easily OHKOed by Chandelure's attack.    Rapidash then charged at Gardevoir, it's horn alight, ready for another Megahorn. Gardevoir, who was charging a Psychic at the time, couldn't get out of the way in time and was knocked out by the flaming horses' attack. Slow was slightly concerned. He and Flint were neck and neck in terms of Pokemon number. But he was adamant that he had to win, and he knew his Pokemon would do that for him. He then pulled out his next Pokemon. It was small and a bluish green. It had the body of a four-leggde dinosaur and had a large bulb on its back. Flint let out a raucous laugh.
"A Bulbasaur?" he laughed, "Oh, now that's funny! A Bulbasaur against me? Oh now that's rich!" Now Slow was twice as angry, he could tell his Bulbasaur was also felt his anger. He smiled. His Bulbasaur worked best when it harnessed it's anger, which was quite common considering its short temper, despite being such a small Pokemon. Flint called out his next Pokemon, laughing rudely. It looked like  a monkey. It had muscular limbs and its head had a long stream of flames erupting from its scalp. It looked very nimble and fast.
"Right, Infernape!" Flint called, when he'd finally stopped laughing, "Show this Bulbasaur how we roll with a Flare Biltz!" Infernape's flaming hair grew and engulfed its body. It then ran, at blinding speed, at Bulbasaur, but Bulbasaur was also nimble and its anger had increased its abilities double fold. Bulbasaur did an impressive cartwheel, which arched over seven times Bulbasaur's height, out of the way just in time. As Bulbasaur came sailing down, Slow quickly called, "Now Bulbasaur! Let your Leaf Storm rip!" Bulbasaur's bulb glowed a lighter green and just as Bulbasaur landed, it released a forest's worth of razor-sharp leaves at Infernape at break-neck speed. Infernape disappeared among the racing foliage. It was a good minute before the leaves simply disappeared leaving Infernape's limp body lying where it once stood.
"WHAT!," Flint roared, furiously, "How'd that little shrimp defeat my Infernape?!"
"Bulb!" Bulbasaur called, indignantly. Slow smiled.
"Well, you see, my Bulbasaur has a  little bit of ah... an anger problem and I just harnessed that for ultimate power," Slow explained, as cool as a cucumber.
"Ref!" Flint called. Dexter shot Flint a dirty look.
"It's allowed. It's unexpected, but any Knock Out using a Pokemon's own power is allowed," Dexter replied. Flint went red in the face and Slow felt a lion roar with triumph. Flint returned Infernape. Flint's Rapidash then went down to Chandelure's Shadow Ball, to add to Flint's fury. Flint was furious. It was time to pull out his trump card. He'd taken a long time, not only in finding these next two Pokemon, but training their obvious power as well.
"Go! Volcarona! Rotom!" Volcarona looked very strange. It had a kind of cacoon body with huge red wings on its back. It had small, blue eyes and stumpy, black arms. It was not designed for physical combat. Rotom was a special Pokemon which had many forms. Flint's Rotom looked like an oven with eyes. It was quite odd to see a red oven with red eyes floating next to the mix of a bug and a volcano. Slow gulped. These were one of the best Fire types in the world. Knowing Flint, they'd be very tough. Slow wasn't sure if he had a chance, but then he remembered Flint's comment and he became determined to beat him.
"Shadow Ball! Fiery Dance!" Flint commanded. Rotom's door hit smashed open, making everyone jump and a blob of darkness shot out aimed at Chandelure. Volcarnona danced around the air a bit, enveloped in flames, before flapping its wings fiercely at Bulbasaur, sending two winged-shaped flames at Bulbasaur. Chandelure and Bulbasaur were quickly disposed after the attacks. Slow frowned. He wasn't happy. At all. He pulled out his next Pokeballs. It was time for his trump card.
"Slowpoke! Spinda!" he called. Slowpoke was a four legged pokemon with a dopey look. It had a long tail and its body was pink all over. It was very small and often over looked by trainers. Spinda was like a small panda. About half a metre high, it had the same features of a panda, only it was a light brown colour and it had various red spots scattered about its body. Its eyes were spirals with the left being anti-clockwise while the right was clockwise. Flint could hardly stand. First Slow used a Bulbasaur, then he uses a Spinda and a Slowpoke. Slow was obviously a novice trainer, similar in weakness to Ash Ketchum. When Flint pulled himself together he commanded his Pokemon.
"Shadow Ball and Fiery Dance," he laughed. His eyes began to water and he rubbed them furiously. When he opened them he was shocked to see Slowpoke and Spinda still standing there.
"What? Attack already!" he called to his Pokemon.
"They have, and now it's my turn!" Slow called.
"Impossible!," Flint called, but Slow ignored him.
"Superpower! Trick Room!" he called. Spinda charged at Rotom and hit it squarely in the door with a massive punch. Rotom was sent flying back, but it lived the powerful attack.
"Don't worry!" Flint called to his Pokemon, "That Spinda's weaker now."
"Nope," Slow contradicted, "My Spinda's Ability is Contrary. It means that stat changes are reversed so that any stat up attacks send the stats down and vice versa." Flint glanced at Dexter.
"It's legal and if you challenge one more time I'll consider it a forfeit," Dexter said. During all this talking, Slowpoke eyes had shone and white criss-cross lines had appeared on the field. Slowpoke and Spinda were now moving much faster while Flint's Pokemon moved slower.
"Aqua Tail! Superpower!" Slow called to his now speedy Pokemon. Rotom went down to the Superpower and Volcarona took a massive hit from Slowpoke's frothing tail. Flint had just one Pokemon left to bring out.
"Bug Buzz!" he called. Volcarnona flapped its wings. They slowy began flapping faster and faster until they were just a blur. At last, Volcarona send a supersonic blast from his wings at Slowpoke. Slowpoke endured the hit and barely survived fainting.
"How is it so bulky?" Flint demanded. Slow's reply was smug and confident: "Evolvite"
"Magmortar!" Flint called, fuming. Magmortar was a human-shaped Pokemon. It had big shoulders and muscular arms. It had flaming hair, tail and shouders and its body had a fire pattern all over.
"Aqua Tail! Superpower!" Slow called once more. Magmortar took a Superpower and went down. Volcarona couldn't take another Aqua Tail and followed Magmortar's lead. Flint was dumbstruck.
"Three-Zero to SlowPokemon," Dexter said, "Slow wins!" The crowd burst into applause. Clanker and Fingerz were especially audible.
"Yeah! Way to go, Slow!" they cheered. Then Fingerz nudged Clanker.
"Look at Flint," he said and pointed at Flint. Other members of the crowd noticed as well and soon they were silent. Flint was red all over and just stared at Slow.
"Impossible," he muttered.
"IMPOSSIBLE!" he roared suddenly making the crowd jump. Suddenly Flint was racing across the field.
"You cheated you little brat!" he yelled
"Flint, no!" Volkner called and Volkner came racing down the stairs. Clanker and Fingerz came racing after him.
"Flint, control yourself!" Dexter commanded, but Flint was deaf with rage. At last he got a hold of Slow. He pushed him to the ground and was about to unleash his fury on him before Volkner grabbed his arms. Clanker and Fingerz grabbed Slow's arms and pulled him away from the raging Elite Four member.
"LET ME AT HIM!" Flint roared, but Volkner was used to Flint's tantrums.
"No," Volkner said defiantly, "Now behave!"
"But he cheated!" Flint wailed.
"He didn't. I saw him," Volkner said, "Now grow up and stop being such a sore loser." Flint struggled against his brother, but Volkner was too strong. At last Flint gave up.
"Come on," Volkner said, "Tell me all about it in your compartment." And he dragged Flint to his compartment.
"You may want to reconsider his position, Cynthia," said Dexter. Cynthia's frown on her face told more than need be. Flint glimpsed at his Champion's disappointment and hung his head in shame. Not many people upset Cynthia and brag afterwards.

The rest of the tournament went smoother than Flint's and Slow's battle. Shauntel beat Misty, but Misty didn't mind. But she had to compensate he loss with three bottles of red wine. Burgh beat Will using strong Bug tactics. Liza and Tate swept Marshal aside and Alder threw Fantina out the door. Agatha was victorious against Caitlen and Noland bowed in defeat to Gary. Steven kicked Brandon's butt while Grimsely did similar to Winona. Glacia was ashamed to be defeated by Norman and Aaron was emotionless when Argenta lost to him. Despite a strong friendship, Koga relentlessly beat Spencer. Wallace improved his social status by defeating Drake, the toughest trainer in the Hoenn Elite Four. Clair lost the plot when Fingerz beat her. Phoebe and Bertha had a wonderful time, especially when Phoebe's Dusclops used Teeter Dance while her Mismagius used an oddly musical Screech. The whole stadium began dancing in such a jolly way. Cynthia unleashed her rage at Flint on Tucker, who didn't like it one bit. Roark used his sturdy skills to bring Lorelei to her knees while Roxanne similarly thrashed Anabel, who began digging for treasure in the middle of the battle. Everybody was impressed by Clanker's strategy against Brycen when he sent out a Miltank (Whose previous owner had kindly named "Bigtitties") and a Cinccino.



Still gonna work on this at all?
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Do it! I wouldn't have such a great success if you hadn't done this story in the first place!
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: K-NiGhT on January 31, 2013, 03:58:13 PMDo it! I wouldn't have such a great success if you hadn't done this story in the first place!
Ehhh. I might write a chapter and see how it goes.


Here it is. Just a test chapter. If you like this I may continue this. This was kinda fun to write, and now my head is running with crazy ideas for this. Anyways, turns out I suck at writing intimate moments. Enjoy

Chapter 11 The price of Love
Wallace sat in the dining room. He was drinking coffee and shook, uncontrollably. His face was gaunt and had bags under his eyes. His hair was a mess and his cloak was creased and torn. Drake approached him.
"You look awful," he said. Wallace looked at him. His eyes were red. Drake sat next to him.
"Did you even sleep last night?" he asked. Wallace looked into the distance.
"Well? Wallace?" Wallace sighed. Just then, Tucker came up to Wallace and dropped him a note. Wallace looked at it in fear. He put down his coffee and read the note. His face went whiter and he swallowed hard.
"What is it?" Drake asked.
"Nothing," Wallace muttered and he slunk off in a depressed shuffle.

Skyla and Greta sat in the medical room. They stared at Whitney, who was still out cold. A bandage covered her massive wound where the Sharpedo had bitten her. They had not moved for several days. They were constantly at Whitney's side. Hoping for her to wake up. Nurse Joy bustled in, moody as always.
"I don't know why yhou waste your time!" she exclaimed. "She will get better, I can guarantee it! Skyla and Great exchanged looks. Then turned to Nurse Joy.
"We know," said Greta. "We just don't want her to get lonely." Nurse Joy snorted rudely.
"She's out cold!" she argued. "She's not lonely at all! Besides I'm always here!" Skyla and Great turned back to Whitney.
"Oh fine! Do what you like! But if you drop dead of hunger, I won't help you!" and with that Nurse Joy left to deal with some papers. Skyla to Whitney's hand.
"Please get better, Whitney," she said.

Roark was pleased with himself. He'd done better in the tournament than he'd expected. And he was officially going out with Roxanne, who needless to say, had been treated very well by puberty in recent years. Roark was contently staring out to sea, thinking about Roxanne, when someone came up behind him and put their hands round his eyes.
"Guess who?" they asked, giggling. Roark smiled.
"Roxanne! I was just thinking about you!" he said and he put his arm around her shoulders. She stared out to sea with him. Roark was not an expert on relationships, but her was sure his was going faster than others. They had been on two dates already and he was already madly in love.
"Hey, Roark, I have an idea," said Roxanne, turning to Roark. "D'you want to go swimming?" Roark enthusiastically accepted and they ran off to get changed.

Roark waited by the pool for Roxanne. Sidney and Brandon were already in the pool. They were wearing much to tight speedos and splashing water at each other. They were giggling far to much.
"Oh Sid!" Brandon giggled as he was splashed by Sideny. Sidney laughed and the two continued to laugh and splash. It was long after they had both ran off giggling, to Sidney's compartment, when Roxanne finally came around the corner. Roark was dumbstruck. He had never seen Roxanne in a bikini before and he was sure he wouldn't forget it. She was perfect. The way her hair flowed with her body. The way the sun reflected off her skin. The way her boobs bounced as she walked. The way she cheekily grinned.
"Coming in?" she asked Roark. Roark thought she;d never asked, but was disappointed to realise she meant the pool. They swam together and all the while Roark couldn't take his eyes off her. He even bumped his head on the wall, he was so distracted. They swam for a bit and then they moved to the spa where they sat, Roxanne embraced by Roark's arm. They talked a little. Their heads kept getting closer and closer.
"Roark..." said Roxanne.
"Yeah?" he asked. Nothing could ruin this moment.
"I love you," she said.
"So do I," said Roark. At last they came together. It felt like eternity and all the while Roark was lifted onto a cloud and whisked away to heaven.  At last the separated. They gazed lovingly into each other's eyes.


That's so cute but oh so cheesy XDDD I think you should keep writing, if you want to that is.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.