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TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way Sign-Ups

Started by Toby, January 05, 2013, 02:19:29 PM

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At this stage,  I would make it one wolf, 3 green human's. I don't like too many millers.


Here's what I propose; from now on, every game posted in the host sign ups thread must present what will change to the game if more people decide to sign up than there are player roles. Or simply state that no more will be admitted. This keeps games from changing too much after people have already signed up.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Sorry! I'm just trying to be fair. Feel free to coment on the changes.

Waddle Bro

Quote from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf on January 06, 2013, 11:30:17 AM3 green human's. I don't like too many millers.
It was 2:1 ratio previously, now it's 3:1, meaning the odds of a red human being a wolf dropped from 33.3% to 25%. If you would add another miller it would raise to 40%.
Now let's do some math:
40.0% - 33.3% = 6.66%
33.3% - 25.0% = 8.3%
By the "Yuki Nagato-logic", like FSM would say, it would be more fair to add another miller.
This is the solution to the most balanced game you could get.
But it's your call.


Add one Wolf, two Humans, and one Miller, and the game should be fine for 16 Players.

Waddle Bro



Whew! I think this has been one of the longest Host Signups and Game Signups that we've ever had!

Either TWG is becoming more popular, or there was just a lot of controversy. Or both.
Bulbear! Blueflower999