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Soundtrack Lists

Started by Bubbles, December 30, 2012, 12:28:25 PM

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Quote from: Bubbles7689 on December 31, 2012, 01:17:51 PMEven though your right about the fractions of sheets that actually officially get on the site, there is still as of right now 2162 sheets on the site (though they arent all standard format) and countless others waiting for the submissons.

I might have been babbling earlier (and might still do, it's 1 AM). Allow me to rephrase it: We have many hundreds of songs arranged, but still there is a vast amount of tracks out there, and what we currently have is a drop in the ocean, so to speak. We have lots and lots of sheets, but compared to the world of games there is out there, trying to compile a list of the stuff we don't have would be futile work.

Besides, most people prefer to arrange sheets from games they have played themselves. There are many games with great music, but a relatively small fanbase. Many of the games in our "Others" section on site have extensive soundtracks, from which only a couple of songs are arranged because the arranger happened to like them. Should we list soundtracks for every game with an arrangement on site? Or only the big titles?

Quote from: Bubbles7689 on December 31, 2012, 01:17:51 PMI thought of an easier way to do this. Instead of having all of the games' soundtracks with the completed ones crossed off, we could just collect all of the names of the completed sheets in one place, organized by games. If you want to request/arrange a song, you would check there to make sure its not already done before doing so, without having to look through an entire soundtrack list

That list would be the main site. It does exactly what you're looking for, except it doesn't take into account sheets that are not uploaded yet.

As for those, the finished yet un-uploaded sheets that lie all over the forum, it's a little complicated. Legally (and ethically), a sheet can't be uploaded to the site without the arranger's consent. Thus, an arranger would have to submit his own sheets for uploading, and he himself would have to correct any errors made, unless he specifically states he allows others to correct him.
This is the bottleneck of the process: Either, it requires the arranger to visit and work periodically, posting in time to get his sheet in the submission thread before it closes for submissions, or, if he gives his consent that others may polish the sheets for him, other users will have to work on and host arrangements other people have made. This is more work than the average user is willing to do. People prefer to work on arrangements on their own, instead of committing time to do fine work for others.

The most effective solution, yet work-demanding for a few people (the uploaders) would be having really frequent updates, with constant intervals and good consistency. Issues like "Has this song been arranged yet?" wouldn't arise if the time between finished arrangement and uploaded arrangement was cut significantly. Before more people could consider arranging, it would be on site for everybody to see. With updates once a week for half a year or more, we'd clear out the submission threads in no time.

Let me also suggest a new aspect to the uploading process: Planning ahead. Every week, one of the uploaders should have the responsibility for that week's update. Let the uploaders gather and decide which uploader(s) has the responsibility for which weeks. Put up a schedule, with possibilities of uploaders swapping weeks or reserving against them. Several uploaders could work together on one update, but only one would have the main responsibility of getting stuff up. This schedule should ideally have things planned out at least five weeks ahead at any time. Hopefully, it would allow for some consistency of uploads.

If there is a mod-only subforum, please give this idea some consideration there. If there isn't one, make one. Communication between mods and uploaders helps the forum thrive, and provides a backup if a mod or two disappears. It would also allow the higher-ups to throw some ideas around, such as appointment of new mods if one were to leave, agree on the strictness of rule enforcing, etc.

Golly, it's 2AM already. Better get to bed. Happy new year, everybody!
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Quote from: Cobraroll on December 31, 2012, 05:16:11 PMWith updates once a week for half a year or more, we'd clear out the submission threads in no time.

But you're not understanding what I'm saying. I wasnt here when this happened, so excuse me if I'm wrong but theres the "Fulfilling the Requests" Project which was originally intended to collect all of the requests, forgotten and new, so that they could all eventually be arranged. When there was an update to the request features:
Quote from: WiiMan96 on June 26, 2012, 09:39:34 PMSorry 'bout dp, but just saw the new organisation of the requests board. Really not much point to the site anymore is there? xD
Quote from: Shadoninja on June 26, 2012, 09:42:55 PMIt would seem so. I'm really sorry. I don't want to waste all your hard work so I'm trying to think of some way to integrate it.

Though he wasnt intending for it to be, the website he made was temporary until the site got a fancy new upgrade and fixed the problem he tried to solce. Thats what Im trying to do here. We'll collect all of the arranged songs, similar to how Wiiman collected all of the requested songs. Once the new upgrade happens, it will be useless. This is only a temporary fix for a temporary problem (hopefully :P), so problems created from long term use really dont need to be addressed and small little bumps could be fixed when they happen


So, what you want is something to bring everything up to speed in one short act, and then kinda let it get behind a little again, and possibly do it again rather than constantly trying to keep it at that place. Steps instead of a slope.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


What. I dont know what you mean :P

All im saying is this would make it easier to request/arrange songs until the new upgrade comes.


Quote from: Jamaha on December 31, 2012, 01:58:36 AMThat would mostly be the plan, yes. Essentially the idea is to get rid of the forum requests/submissions altogether and get the whole process integrated to the main site.
Is my idea already being worked on?
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