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The Question of the Day (new questions come random days)

Started by FSM-Reapr, October 25, 2012, 06:50:57 AM

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Should there be bigger punishments for school bullying?

6 (85.7%)
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7


So, I decided to make a topic like this to start possible conversations. Also this might be big someday. The question's aren't mine.

So, The Question of the Day is:

Do you eat vitamins besides the ones in your food?


Sort of.

I keep forgetting to, but some times I remember


I always take mine. Good for you and helps you keep in fit.

The reason why there is a question like that, is that in here a big vitamin scam was found out.


Hmm? Where?

Also, I think we have a rule against people posting stupid polls, but I could be wrong.


In Kenya, duh. Just kidding, Finland.
Guess what was going on. People selling Vitamin-D tablets that had ABSOLUTELY NO VITAMIN IN THEM! Now that's frivolous.

How is this a stupid poll? It changes every day and helps keep track what do people think. Also the votes are anonymous, if I ever ask anything that may be... ya know... (what's the word)


Oh, it's just if you make a new poll topic each time...

Never mind then, carry on.


If this doesn't get locked, I'll actually be pretty annoyed because I made a topic just for this kind of stuff that did...  :-[

Anyway, I probably should take my vitamins, and I probably should and do on occasion, but I take medicine for allergies far more often.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


The Question of the Day:

Do you switch your cell phone more than you would have to?

Nope, I still have my 3-year old Nokia.


I don't have a cell phone, and I don't want one... ::)
Bulbear! Blueflower999


My cell phone has an upgrade every 2 years so I only do it then. January is when I finally get a new phone from my old one, which currently randomly dies and the touch screen doesnt work. Its a completely touch screen phone with a keypad so its kinda hard to work with XD


Next January my phone will be 4 years old. It still works but it's starting to bug out on me so I'll need to upgrade.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


The Question of the Day:

Should there be bigger punishments for school bullying?

Idk, in here people are steaming mad because some teacher went a little far punishing the kid and all the rest of the kid's classmates started bully him/her because of that. The teacher only got fired and a small fine.


Bulbear! Blueflower999