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Transposing music to trumpet

Started by Box Man, August 08, 2011, 07:08:49 PM

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Box Man

I want to play some Pokemon music, like the Route 1, Pokemon theme, and other songs on trumpet. If someone can help me change it, that would be great. :)


Move all the notes up two chromatic spaces. Example: It it starts on C, move it to D. If it starts on F#, move it to G#.


Brassman's right. Everything for piano is in concert pitch.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Or if you use Finale, just add two sharps (Or take two flats) in the key signature and Finale will do the work so you don't have to think as much ;)

Box Man

Cool, thanks. That's what I was thinking, but I wasn't completely sure. Awesome.


Just posting here to say that I play trumpet too and transpose a lot of stuff to it (currently trying to figure out that Nyan Cat thing because my sister loves it - why on earth is it in B major?) and I must say, it's quite fun to transpose on the spot. You get better at it as time goes on, of course, with experience and practice. But just move everything a whole step up (concert Bb is our C, concert D is our E, etc) and that's all there is to it.