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Music Ed. or Audio Engineering? O.o

Started by starrgrl24, June 15, 2011, 04:07:46 PM

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I am currently a community college student...what I shame that I couldn't afford to go to a music conservatory...but I am studying music at my college. :) I currently have to make an extremely tough decision, well for me that is. xD

I was accepted into the conservatory as a music education major (unfortunately I didn't attend) and when I first attended my college, I was planning to transfer to a music school as a music education major. As I progressed through my college year, I began to grow so much interest in audio engineering. It's pretty cool because I can also get some computer skills. :D It's the perfect combination of science and music...well at some audio engineering programs. xD I just finished my first year at college and now I gotta face the daunting task of whether to continue to be a music ed. major or switch to audio engineering. o.o;

Sooooo...what do you guys think?

I am a piano major under the performance I will be getting a piano performance degree as well. :D

I like chocolate. :3


Well, I think that an audio engineering degree would probably be more practical if that's the kind of field you're looking to go into. But it really depends what you'd want to do in music.

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Significantly more likely to get a good job and actually do well with AE, plus it would likely be a fairly interesting job for you.  You have to actually be able to work through a rigorous engineering program though.

me irl


Well...I think I officially changed my major to music technology and/or audio engineering. I also have many credits that will transfer toward a bachelor of music in piano double major. xD

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on June 18, 2011, 02:00:03 PMSignificantly more likely to get a good job and actually do well with AE, plus it would likely be a fairly interesting job for you.  You have to actually be able to work through a rigorous engineering program though.

Actually...I do want to have a better chance at landing a job in the field that I enjoy. Well yeah music education is excellent...but seeing how many musicians want to be music ed majors...I think that will become competitive by the time I graduate. I also LOVE math, physics, and computer I was disappointed when I could only take one math course for my entire educational career after high school. :( So engineering will definitely get me an interesting job! :D

I also say music tech because...there are very few audio engineering schools that I know in this area. There are more music technology and/or music production. Dang it...looks like I"ll be in community college for 3 years. O.o

I like chocolate. :3


You could always go for loans and hope for the engineering salary to get rid of them quick :P

Plus a transfer student generally gets more of a chance for aid and scholarships and whatnot.

me irl