The Tale of the Four Word Story.

Started by SuperFireKirby, August 17, 2009, 12:45:22 PM

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Someone suggested that the four word story be compiled. I decided to act upon that suggestion. So here is Chapter 1.

Chapter 1: The Randomness Begins.

      I made a topic that when I eat pizza, the topic goes into a headlock that does a barrel roll! Peppy files copyright infringement on Palagerini then does not care anymore. He went clubbing saturday when the story was done. But not for long, because it was gone. Then everyone was dead. No one ever continued. Until I came along. And continued the story with me and his armpit hair so then the hair attacked the milkshake and sat on Dr. Evil's head with a pitchfork! He then gave kotorfanboy a high mustache on the top of Mt. Everest then he fell off....again.
      Then a bunch of bananas ate the queazy sailor named Captain Blubber who was wretched with banjo, kazooie, and that suspicious puss. A needle killed Wiiman and then it killed kotorfanboy but, scooterulez jumped in front and did the MATRIX yet died anyway. fail.
      Then out of nowhere there appeared a small undead WiiMan. He's risen. From some dog crap as the Russians bombed Romania with a large sword that has a Hugo pierced through its McFlabby Flabbyness. McFlabbyFlab Manwent to eat at Burger King and ordered a king burger when the employees bathed in Chuck Norris's sweat. Omega picked up a flamethrower and broke it when a giant piece of chocolate orange hit Mr. FLUFFY TAILS (Hugo's iguana), turning it into a half-dead monkey that loves Barney and friends who played marimba in 100/100. Then Pianoman screamed when Billy Joel played it with a Rabbit from Rayman's awesome bag of sugar cookies that was poisoned by The Muffin Man's pet mini muffin man.
      Mario jumped out of the pipe to see an evil giant naked baby who was eating a human hand. But gothic micro bunnies jumped into the tube and went to Mushroom Kingdom's famous strip club that Peach outlawed last thursday when somebody shot the sheriff right in his butt and made him cry because they didn't shoot Peewee Herman on Thursday with a toothpick.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I finally found this amazing story! Well done NSM members! Thanks SFK for that! xD I love the story!
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


If anyone wants, I'll finish it (next month).


Chapter 2: The Plot Thickens(not really)

       The magical dæmon færies found a giant watermelon Which was always aflame but was never consumed. And then it Happend! A SHARK CAME FROM Hugo's imaginary friend, Bob. Bob decided to go grab HugoMeister's purging fork
and use it as a purging fork. He made butt stained underwear with chocolate and vanilla whipped cream.  "WHAT THE SNICKERS AND APPLE SAUCE IS THAT PURGING FORK DOING OUT IN THE COMPUTER?!" yelled Hugo's mother Who's bowl of pudding  was cooked medium rare. She then poked the oompa loompa with a purging fork from Hugo that created the whole new world! Several minutes later, she decided to grab a magic wand Which had been upchucked by a Domo-Kun with a million billion insane mice that had to get back their vision back from SEARS, the mice only had a catheter. Someday, trillions of Dollars went to a man with two mustaches who apparently likes to end sentences. Slipping, the annoying frog, likes to dance with bananas while kicking his crouch. Slipping went to Bob Marley's And began singing a very evil plotting song about the very big domino on top of Big Ben.
       Whilst a dodo bird flies under your mother when suddenly a floutist attacks the...


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


... The tale of the four word story is so up to date, it doesn't even miss one post.


That is amazing xD, do you copypaste every single post?
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Yep. Should update this again. :P

Chapter Three: The Story Strikes Back.

     Whilst a dodo bird flies under your mother when suddenly a flutist attacks the...
     the gay man who attacked Hugo with a big penis in his left foot because the turkey had already flown in his ass where trolls roam, and his parents begin to do "it". Obama decided give stimulus money to the orphans to be friveled away on new America, which has many huge lemon trees in the backyard of a big modern house which had an in-ground pool where yellow snakes used large butterflies to prise.

     Once and never again the correlation between you and Chuck Norris is much better than the flavor of Ice cream he puts on Doritos. Oh my god he used my tooth brush! And suddenly he wanted chili cheese fries that were killing a man behind the curtain. Suddenly the Aztec Eagle swooped around a place called caketown. He decided to bake a cake which had plenty of little red toothpicks to make If only I'd won I would lose the...

*An Intermission*

SirIngusBingus: Does that make no sense, or it just me?

dahans: It doesn't make sense. Does the whole "story" make sense? In my opinion someone should write the whole four word story down and post it. I am interested in the content.

*SFK gets inspired.

*End of Intermissions*

...prince of cats and be able to fish in the most dangerous of waters in the Amazon. By ending Cecil's journey to Kurrast he was hooked on a cocaine so he went to his mother to complain about the many boils on his face to avoid being a chicken stew. His mother tried hard to collect boil destroying medication but suddenly there was a a giant fire and all the boils exploded. At the end of time he solved the unending mystery of Dracula and so he got the cupcake of holiness to make a new leg for his mothers' pantaloons. The Pixar lamp decided to eat some of the holyness cupcake then suddenly he heard a noise which was the pixar logo falling so he squished "I". That's when the movie producers decided to cut out the good parts because of the bad movie plot destroying the movie's ratings. That's when I lost the game which made me start laughing the (fill in the blank) out to reproduce some cats for my mom to make her happy because she is so sick because of dogs.

     So we made them into rats to be able to fight the oversized pink cats who were distracted by the rats wearing Zoot Suits. The man who was female had twelve wives which kept TJM from posting such nonesense because of the fat bananas who ate the little dog. There once was a super powered penguin who was totally awesome and was really bob marley so then he went...

*Ingus comments:  Wait, Tranz is Bob Marley? *Bows to Tranz*

*dahans continues the dark man in a tutu, Waluigi. A very long time ago I was searching for the lost palace, and it was under the mountain of chocolate which I ate under ZZ Top's dinner table. Suddenly there was a huge explosion as Dahans, a genius from austria, who was in a pad where they sell straight jackets to the to the poor people who desperately need to eat some soup so they don't repeat words. A penny saved is not spent, unless the spender spends the penny, but if he does, then he will have lost his life because of his heart being attached by SuperFireKirby who is obviously a fortune cookie.

*Ingus references where SFK said "A penny save is not"

     This is because he is 25 percent Chinese. So he cooks noodles and is also yellow.....-ish becuase of the accident while making ramen in a wok where a fat kid named Porky ate all the udon so SFK decided to to make soba instead of screaming and yelling from 3rd degree burns.

The story shall continue...


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!



You are amazing SFK, this story is the best on NSM :D.
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!