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Need help. First arrangement EVER.

Started by Dalonzo, July 19, 2009, 10:55:29 PM

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Ok so  since I joined I wanted to test out my arranging skillz, which, as a matter of fact, damn right SUCK.
I'm trying to arrange the 'sad' song in GS and GSTLA, all with the hype of GSDS.

Here is a link to the original song


This song is EASY, but the low staff stuff makes me wonder if I´m going in the right direction, prolly not. I decided to stop right there, see reactions and then try to continue.

Please, bear with me, as I´m not a good piano player, and this is my first arrangement.


What are the chances of providing a downloadable Mp3?


Sorry for the problem with the links, they work now (I hope) and brassman, I wouldnt know how to create one, just the MID.

Composer #40

71 Hoplessness (Turmoil)

That's what I got and how it's named. I've heard there's no official OST naming so don't attack me.

Second, your bass is off in your arrangement. Don't put in chords unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE about it.

It happens Every. Day!


Quote from: Composer #40 on July 20, 2009, 10:22:25 AM71 Hoplessness (Turmoil)

That's what I got and how it's named. I've heard there's no official OST naming so don't attack me.

Second, your bass is off in your arrangement. Don't put in chords unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE about it.

I wasnt sure about them. Exactly why I made this topic, so I could get opinions regarding the bass. What do you mean by 'off', timing or tone? (prolly both lol).
Thank you for the name, as the video named it Turmoil, i simply called it that one sad song.


If there are supposed to be chords, and you can't figure them out, don't bother.

me irl


While some notes are off in pitch, the only way to fix that is to keep practicing.  You get a better ear with more experience.  With the arrangement and notation specifically, generally you don't put 2 dotted quarters next to each other in 4/4 time.  You want to make sure the groupings reflect the time signature, so you would first put 1 dotted quarter followed by an eight tied to another quarter.  The same goes for those dotted eights next to each other.  As for those chords, just try and put what you hear (which would most likely be the highest pitch in the chord).  Also, if you have a keyboard available, try to listen to the song and kind of sing it to find which notes are used.  Like I said earlier, it becomes much more natural as you get more practice in.


Quote from: QWERTYkid911 on July 20, 2009, 06:17:44 PMYou want to make sure the groupings reflect the time signature, so you would first put 1 dotted quarter followed by an eight tied to another quarter.  The same goes for those dotted eights next to each other.  
That's a matter of taste.


Iguess you could argue that.  Then again you can ague anything.  I find it to make much more sense to write it that way, and I have never seen it another way in published music.  It's still your arrangement, and by all means do what you want.  It's just my suggestion/taste.


Quote from: QWERTYkid911 on July 20, 2009, 06:17:44 PMWhile some notes are off in pitch, the only way to fix that is to keep practicing.  You get a better ear with more experience.  With the arrangement and notation specifically, generally you don't put 2 dotted quarters next to each other in 4/4 time.  You want to make sure the groupings reflect the time signature, so you would first put 1 dotted quarter followed by an eight tied to another quarter.  The same goes for those dotted eights next to each other.  As for those chords, just try and put what you hear (which would most likely be the highest pitch in the chord).  Also, if you have a keyboard available, try to listen to the song and kind of sing it to find which notes are used.  Like I said earlier, it becomes much more natural as you get more practice in.

Thank you, and most of what i got was done by humming and trying to find the right  time and pitch with the piano, and thanks for the advice regarding the dotted quarters and eighths, but I do agree with GreekGeek.