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NSM RPG Item Ideas

Started by Zunawe, July 23, 2012, 07:56:16 PM

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Correct. Though, for comedic purposes, you could allow the launcher to be used as a (really) bad melee weapon, or as a stove pipe or something.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Quote from: Zunawe on July 29, 2012, 05:39:23 PMI'mma go kill some baddies! *pshhhhhhhhhh* It's not working!! *pshhhhhhh* :)

Starter weapon, I would assume. I could see it becoming a really funny, but powerful, fire-type-monster killer after upgrades.
And here's the response:

Type: Ammo
Name: Lighter fluid
Description: Keep that flame thrower throwing flames.
In-game description: Blah blah blah. I don't know.
Visuals: A square-ish white plastic bottle.
Series: Use it with Flame Thrower(modified Water Gun).

Type: Weapon Upgrade
Name: Lighter
Description: Mount on the water gun to turn it into a flame thrower.
In-game description: A lighter. Wonder if this could be of use?
Visuals: A Zippo style lighter. It would have some skinny metal bars attaching it to the water gun when the items are combined.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Don't forget about armor. This is something hinted at by DryLuigi, so I figured it would be a good example. Same as everything else, except for sets. If you want to suggest a set of armor in which every piece functions exactly the same way, then at the end put another section to specify what other pieces you would like to be included. By doing this you are saying that all pieces of the set have the exact same effects. In these cases, the effects will be greater the more surface area there is. So, Torso>Legs>Helmet>Boots>Gloves. If you want pieces to have different effects, create a separate suggestion for that piece. If you want a different In-Game Description section for each piece, do In-Game Description ([part]): blah blah in separate lines for each part. The same goes for visuals, names, etc. . . You can also just do a general description for all of them if you would like.

The above will be posted in the original post

Type: Armor
Name (Torso): Radiation Suit
Name (Pants): Radiation Suit Pants
Name (Helmet): Radiation Helmet
Name (Gloves): Radiation Gloves
Name (Boots): Radiation Boots
Description: A suit with not much resistance to physical attacks, but prevents radiation effects, and lowers the chances of other effects.
In-game description: This won't give you much help against swords, but it prevents radiation poisoning.
Visuals: Up to the artists
Series: None.
Set: Torso, gloves, boots, pants, helmet
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Such as?

Type: Armour
Name (Set): Not-Quite-Depleted Uranium Armour
Name (Torso): NQDU Chest plate
Name (Pants): NQDU Leggings
Name (Helmet): NQDU Helmet
Name (Gloves): NQDU Gloves
Name (Boots): NQDU Boots
Description: Depleted Uranium is a very dense material, if a little heavy, perfect for armour. In the old days, they plated carriages with them, but nowadays they find more use in personal armour. Depleted Uranium armour is heavy, but provide great protection against anything sharp, blunt or crushing.
This, however, is the budget version. The uranium isn't quite depleted yet, and might give you radiation poisoning (1/8th chance of inducing radiation poisoning every turn for every item (so the full set would mean a 5/8th chance of being poisoned)). As metal conducts heat, the suit isn't very effective against ice and fire attacks.
In-game description: A heavy, sturdy [ITEM NAME]. But what is that glow?
Visuals: Dark grey armour pieces with a strange green glow to them.
Series: Heavy, but resistant to most melee attacks. And it glows, too!
Set: Chestplate, gloves, boots, leggings, helmet

There could be a significantly more expensive armour made of completely depleted Uranium. It would have the same defensive stats, but not the chance of rad poisoning. It wouldn't glow either.

EDIT: More stuff.

Type: Item
Name: Iodine tablets
Description: Cures radiation poisoning. It's not entirely clear if it's really iodine in it, but it works anyhow, so why check it?
In-game description: These tasty tablets cure radiation poisoning. Rumours say it's the iodine that does it.
Visuals: A medium-sized jar filled with white pills.

Also, is food going to be in the game? If so:

Type: Item
Name: Portable fridge
Description: Did you know that approximately 30% of all RPG food is never eaten, but instead discarded due to spoil? This nifty little box provides a rot-, mould-, and bug-free atmosphere that protects your food from spoiling. It will reduce your food consumption by 30%.
In-game description: A box that's cold inside. It helps preserve food.
Visuals: A blue plastic box with wheels and a handy handle for easy and ergonomic carrying.

For the aforementioned potions:

Type: Item
Name: Cauldron
Description: Brew your favourite potions and poisons in this handy travel-size cauldron. You can also cook food in it, totally without negative consequences. Yep, that's right, leftover poison will never, ever make your food so toxic that you die screaming a few hours after eating it. We promise.
In-game description: A big, black cauldron, great for brewing potions and cooking food. I should probably clean it after every use.
Visuals: A black cauldron with room for charcoal or firewood underneath.

Type: Armour
Name (Set): Thermo suit
Name (Torso + pants): Thermo suit
Name (Helmet): Thermo helmet
Name (Gloves): Thermo gloves
Name (Boots): Thermo boots
Description: This suit handles extreme temperatures very well. From sub-freezing winds to the shimmering smoke plumes of a volcano, this set of clothing can handle it all. It doesn't protect very well against conventional weapons, but it stops fire and ice cold. It gets a little sweaty after a while, though.
The set is not very effective without the main one-piece thermo suit.
In-game description: A [ITEM NAME] fit for extreme temperatures.
Visuals: A white suit of thick, insulated fabric, much like a Fire proximity suit.
Series: Clothing fit for extreme temperatures.
Set: Suit, gloves, boots, helmet
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Hey, I'm American! You guys have fun with your u's, but I shall not use it!

Yeah, the armor thing is fine. I think you missed the point of the series section though. That's for if you wanted a stronger version of it meaning this:

"There could be a significantly more expensive armour made of completely depleted Uranium. It would have the same defensive stats, but not the chance of rad poisoning. It wouldn't glow either."

Would replace this:

"Heavy, but resistant to most melee attacks. And it glows, too!"
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Type: Character Upgrade
Name: Inoculation Booster
Description: This onetime use item grants the player full immunity to Biological/Biochemical weapons and weapon upgrades, allowing them to be used more frequently.
In-Game Description A small metal dagger attached to a tube from ancient times, they apparently stabbed themselves with this?
Visuals: It looks like a slightly futuristic syringe with a colored liquid inside.

So for the Biological weaponry, I was thinking it could act similarly to poison, except be weaker and have a greater area of effect. Whereas poison hits one enemy and causes damage over time, these attacks could hit all enemies for far less damage over time, to balance it out. Now since technology has been destroyed, large scale containment, (For Pre-Collapse research purposes), of these diseases has failed, releasing them into the world.

This would have to be limited in scope, due to the problem of containing the diseases again, so a weapon upgrade could involve coating an ax in infected pound scum, or putting infected cabbage into a bottle, letting it ferment, and then throwing the bottle at enemies for a noxious cloud of death. Thinking about this, it might not work thematically, but it is only a suggestion thread ;D
The art of flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss -Douglas Adams


Quote from: Zunawe on August 01, 2012, 03:30:15 PMYeah, the armour thing is fine. I think you missed the point of the series section though.

Ahh, I thought "Series" meant "descriptive text for the entire set of armour". You didn't give an explanation, nor an example for what was supposed to be there.

A description for the Depleted Uranium Armour could be: "A heavy, silvery set of armour. Toxic if eaten."
(seeing as depleted uranium isn't radioactive enough to damage you through the skin. It would be problematic if you ate it, though).
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.



Type: Sidequest/Field Item
Name: Guitar
Description:A wooden guitar with it's strings broken.
In-Game Description: It's a handsome wooden acoustic guitar. However, it's strings are broken. It seems that in the guitar's back there has been carved letters "FSM".
Visuals: A brown wooden acoustic guitar.

Type: Weapon/Field Item
Name: Flashlight
Description: Stuns an enemy with a 100% accuracy
In-Game Description (Optional): A flashlight that shoots a beam of light, works on with a small battery. Can light up dark places. Battery needs to be recharged/switched after 10 uses.
Visuals (Optional): A green plastic (what's the word) with an orange trigger.
(Kinda like Boolight in Mario Party 4)

The battery can be taken out from the flashlight. "Can light up dark places": you could find small/big items with that. Can be upgraded.


EDIT: Disregard this.

To follow up on the "Toxic if eaten" line from the DU armour:

Type: Character trait
Name: Iron Stomach
Description: This character can't digest ordinary food, but has a liking for metals. He'll happily gulp down your vendor thrash (such as the discarded swords or helmets of defeated enemies) instead of leeching on your food pile. Metal items are more expensive than normal food, but is found more often as loot, so it balances out. Though, make sure you've got enough metal in your inventory, or he'll start eating his own equipment. Also, eating depleted uranium gives him radiation poisoning or regular poisoning (both at the same time, if possible).
In-game description (optional): Eats metal instead of regular food.
Visuals: N/A
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


^. . . You do realize that this is just regular humans after an apocalypse and not a mutated form, right? That just seemed to come out of nowhere. Also, I thought I mentioned what the series was earlier. It applies to everything.

I'll add stuff to the lists later. Tired from band.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things