Francesca's Acquatic Update Project Sheet

Started by Francesca, July 02, 2024, 10:58:00 AM

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Clocktowers Beneath the Sea
A Hat in Time [PC]

Hello again! For this year's update, I decided to arrange this wonderful track from A Hat in Time. The process was rather complex, mostly due to the many voices that I found myself juggling with, all within a limited high range, but I managed to come up with something nonetheless and I am open to any suggestions regarding different ways to handle the polyphony, playability and maintaining the original "deep" feel of the track.

This is the only arrangement I will be uploading for the project - Thank you in advance!


Apologies! Upon looking close again, I found a few things that needed some modifying and went ahead to change them. I removed some instances of the higher voice being present when it isn't in the track, abolished some unplayable notes in the lower voice and parenthesized some that were present in both staves and changed some dynamics. I hope that doesn't trouble anyone who might have already been looking through the sheet.