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XiaoMigros' Space Travel Project Sheets

Started by XiaoMigros, April 29, 2022, 03:45:23 AM

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Quote from: Static on May 16, 2022, 11:22:52 AMm3-4 LH: I think the quarter notes are actually two 8th notes here, like in m5+. Maybe not on m3 beat 1, but after that.
It sounds like it's always two eights, starting quietly and then getting louder. I left them out here to give the intro a less rhythmic feel than the rest of the track, but if you think they're better suited being two 8ths I can change that.

Quote from: Static on May 16, 2022, 11:22:52 AMm23 LH beat 3: I'm assuming you intended this to be Db, and tied to the previous note
I think I must have accidentally hit a note with the repitch tool, fixed

No comment on the other stuff, that's been taken care of.


Quote from: XiaoMigros on May 18, 2022, 02:37:43 AMIt sounds like it's always two eights, starting quietly and then getting louder. I left them out here to give the intro a less rhythmic feel than the rest of the track, but if you think they're better suited being two 8ths I can change that.
Nope, that makes sense to me, sounds good.



From Those Who Departed From Space
-Maybe you could horizontally align some of the pedal marks a bit, since having them all on different heights looks a bit messy. Also, make sure the pedal lift mark doesn't get too close to the pedal press mark (like in m43)
-m1-2: Maybe it'd make sense to fill the rests here a bit? It looks a bit weird to have rests in-between notes when using a pedal, if they don't serve much purpose rhythmically.
-m3-5: Is there a specific reason you didn't add in a slur in the L.H. bars here, but you did afterwards? They probably fit here well too (you can have them go below in the cross-staffed parts)
-m3-10: You can probably add pedal markings to these bars too, having the melody in the pedal isn't that big of a deal.
-m4: If you want, you could leave the cross-staffed A in the L.H. staff as well, since it's the same A as in m6.
-m7: I hear another (low) A in the L.H. on beat 1.
-m13: In the R.H. on beat 4, I hear a D instead of an E. I also hear an A-D in the piano in 8ths you could add in the L.H. if you want.
-m27: Huh, funny, on beat 4.5 both the guitar and clarinet (i think it's a clarinet) play a slightly different rhythm. The guitar plays a swung 16th, and the clarinet triplet 16th rest-16th-16th. Do you wanna choose one of those or did you choose this compromise consciously?
-m28: I hear an A in the R.H. on beat 1 as well. Also, I hear the pedal lift on beat 3 instead of beat 2.
-m32: The L.H. A on beat 1.75 starts on beat 2 instead.
-m36: I hear the R.H. B on beat 2 start on beat 2.25 instead. Also, on beat 4.5 I only hear F#-E (in a triplet 16th rest-16th-16th rhythm), not a mordent on an E.
-m51: I don't hear the D in the L.H. on beat 4.75
-m52: I think I also hear an E in the chord on beat 2.5, but I'm not 100% sure. Also, this fermata is actually exactly 4,5 beats long, so you could just write it as a half tied to a half tied to an 8th too.


Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AM-m1-2: Maybe it'd make sense to fill the rests here a bit?
I was torn how to do this, as I thought it might be a good idea to preserve the 8ths of the similar pattern later on. Arrangement wise it makes more sense as you suggested though, so I changed that :p

Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AM-m3-5: Is there a specific reason you didn't add in a slur in the L.H. bars here, but you did afterwards?
I think it was because they were getting in the way off the cross-staffing, and instead of flipping them later I just removed them (it was late at night last I worked on this, iirc). Fixed!

Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AM-m4: If you want, you could leave the cross-staffed A in the L.H. staff as well, since it's the same A as in m6.
I used cross-staff notation in this sheet to better split figures between hands, hence in m4 the A is in the top staff. What I've done instead is moved the A in m6 up, making the LH easier to play.

Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AMI also hear an A-D in the piano in 8ths you could add in the L.H. if you want.
I've added just the A, it makes the part more coherent and clashes with the E less.

Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AM-m27: Huh, funny, on beat 4.5 both the guitar and clarinet (i think it's a clarinet) play a slightly different rhythm. The guitar plays a swung 16th, and the clarinet triplet 16th rest-16th-16th. Do you wanna choose one of those or did you choose this compromise consciously?
I interpreted this as a performance deviation and opted for what made the most logical sense to put in a sheet. If it's okay, I think it's best left like this (the difference it makes when performing is negligible but the confusion/difficulty added wouldn't be, imo).

Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AM-m28: I hear an A in the R.H. on beat 1 as well. Also, I hear the pedal lift on beat 3 instead of beat 2.
I originally had that A in there, I don't know why it's gone now but I'll add it again. I've expanded the pedal marking to beat 2.5, I think it's important for the chord on that beat to be staccato, it captures the feel of the piano part better than keeping it sustained.

Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AM-m32: The L.H. A on beat 1.75 starts on beat 2 instead.
I heard it as something inbetween and went with b1.75, but if it's actually b2 I'll do that instead.

Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AM-m36: I hear the R.H. B on beat 2 start on beat 2.25 instead. Also, on beat 4.5 I only hear F#-E (in a triplet 16th rest-16th-16th rhythm), not a mordent on an E.
The clarinet here plays a bit more freely and breathy than elsewhere, so I did more interpretation-y stuff. The B I've changed, but I do still hear a mordent at b4.5, so I've left that.

Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AM-m51: I don't hear the D in the L.H. on beat 4.75
I can hear it, albeit faintly.

Quote from: Bloop on May 21, 2022, 05:07:57 AM-m52: I think I also hear an E in the chord on beat 2.5, but I'm not 100% sure. Also, this fermata is actually exactly 4,5 beats long, so you could just write it as a half tied to a half tied to an 8th too.
The E is there, I've added that. I chose a fermata for consistency reasons, as other tracks in the game have this melody/motif without the fermata, so writing it differently here seemed excessive.

I haven't paid much attention to the pedals yet, I sort of just added them where I felt like it. I'm considering just writing pedal ad lib, since in a lot of places it doesn't really matter whether the pedal is used or not. If not I'll just add the markings where you suggested and align them.

Everything else not mentioned in this post has (hopefully) been addressed. Thanks!


Heya! Sorry to tack on more feedback at the last minute, but I was just browsing. This looks great, just a few small things I noticed while skimming ^^

If any of these are due to stuff being messed up between Finale versions, feel free to skip.
- 8va too low in m. 13 (hitting the slur on beat 1)
- Tempo marking in m. 19 could be raised up just a bit more
- Some of the pedal and release markings are uncomfortably close to each other or the notes; these include but aren't limited to places like m. 26-28, 35-38, 43-44
- Make sure the staccato in the RH of m. 30 is below the chord
- The third system on the last page would appreciate some more space around it (you can move things down on the page a bit since you have some extra space at the bottom)
- The LH of m. 53-56 would be nicer in bass clef (and you can raise the ped markings in 53-54 since the beam isn't so far below the staff)
- SLur on the LH in the last couple of measures like in m. 21-22?
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Hey! That's cool, whatever helps :)

Went over most of these points , some needed addressing, and some didn't. As I hadn't implemented Bloop's feedback for the pedal yet, those points should be resolved automatically (I hid all the markings).


Awesome, looking great now! I'll accept!
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