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Favourite Soundtrack per platform

Started by 607, May 17, 2017, 11:49:57 PM

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Quote from: SlowPokemon on May 19, 2017, 08:01:00 PMGame Boy: Pokémon Red and Blue is the real choice, but just to mention another that's not been mentioned unless I'm mistaken, Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins. Your love for this soundtrack depends on your opinion of Totaka's main theme that he arranges about seven hundred times for the game. I love it.
When I listened to this before, I did not like it much, because of the incessant use of the same theme. However, I can appreciate it more now! It is certainly impressive how varied the arrangements are.
QuoteGame Boy Color: Pokémon Gold and Silver. There's no better entirely 8-bit soundtrack out there.
I went through this one before. I played through the game recently, though (actually, I haven't beaten it yet, I got discouraged when I heard about the Dragonites ::)), and the music was a big part of my enjoyment of the game!

QuoteGame Boy Advance: yeah, gotta go with Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, though the Ace Attorney trilogy comes really close.
I also went through this one before.

QuoteNintendo DS: I'm not claiming it's the best, but my favorite is absolutely Professor Layton and the Curious Village. It's dear to my heart for reasons beyond logic. A couple obscure ones that people might not otherwise be compelled to check out are Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and its sequel, Last Window: The Secret of Cape West. Lots of cool vintage jazz sound in these games.
I enjoyed this one very very much!! It is a lot of fun. I really liked the instrumentation and atmosphere. Great harmonies, too. I'd like to pick up this game to listen to the soundtrack in context!

QuoteNintendo 3DS: It's a tricky one to narrow down because virtually every game Nintendo releases for 3DS has a stellar soundtrack. One that I don't believe any has mentioned is Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. I gush about this score a lot, because it's the most perfect soundtrack ever made in terms of complementing the game it appears in. It's a basically flawless work of art and taps into why I used to get excited about video game music before I was jaded by contemporary studies.
I thought I listened to this one but upon looking at it again I'm not sure... weird, because it must have been recent if I did listen to it. :P I'll listen to it (again) and edit in my opinion!
Edit: I think I hadn't quite finished it yet, but the video got deleted from YouTube... I guess Nintendo went looking around the announcement of the new Mario & Luigi game. In any case, I'd listened to most of the soundtrack, and enjoyed it! Fun themes and great execution as usual for these games.