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Want to see what happens when you get extremist religious people with games?

Started by KefkaticFanatic, September 06, 2008, 11:54:42 PM

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Holy fucking shit.  This site is hilarious.  If you scroll to the bottom and see the reviews of "Secular & Un-Christian Games" then you will find:

QuoteHalo 1, 2 & 3 (Bungie, Xbox & PC)
    8.31.2008: (Note: I have not played these games since they are rated "M" and aren't allowed on the Fellowship U campus, so I am basing this mini-review on Secular media reports.) The Halo series is a very popular first person shooter game that first appeared on the original Xbox. The single-player campaign is set in space on a giant ring-planet (that is why it is misleadingly called "halo", it has nothing to do with angels or anyone holy) where human soldiers are battling aliens for possession of the halo. The player controls the Master Chef who in a surprise twist turns out to be more than just a military cook... he's also a super soldier (I think this was the plot of a Steven Seagal movie I saw before I was born again, only that was set on a Navy ship and he fought terrorists instead of aliens. But it's the same general idea.) It's a war game, so there's lots of violence, but it's against aliens (God hasn't said anything yet about aliens, so I guess that's morally acceptable for now). However, the alien forces are called "the Covenant" and are depicted as having strong religious values and a desire for Salvation, so they are undoubtedly a reference to Christians. The Halo planet itself is probably a reference to the rainbow God gave as a sign of His Covenant with us (Gen. 9:12-17), which means the game's objective of keeping Halo from the aliens is really about destroying God's relationship with His creation. Typical for the Secular media, the Christians are alien bad guys and must be either led away from God or killed. Also, there's a naked woman in the game, only she's a computer and translucent, but I'm told you can still totally see stuff. Where the Halo series gets really bad is in its online play, which allows teams of players to fight each other to capture the flag or other objectives. Unlike in single-player, here the players are trying to kill other humans (who are actual real people, not just AIs), desensitizing them to the murder of their friends and classmates (although the games are rated "M" most players are underage). Players swear and use blasphemies constantly in the voice chat, but that's not the worst part. When a player kills another player, he goes to the corpse and does something called "tea bagging". I'm not going to describe this since it's gross, but, according to Skeet, it's something that homosexuals do to each other. Why would they do this in a game!? (That's not the only homosexual content. The human soldiers are referred to as "Spartans" -- the real Spartans were notorious homosexuals. Come to think of it, homosexuals have also stolen the rainbow symbol from Christians and are using it to separate people from their God by leading them astray into the "Gay lifestyle". Maybe Bungie included "tea bagging" to further their anti-Covenant theme into the multiplayer campaigns.) For violence, nudity, swearing, promoting homosexual activities and promoting the destruction of the Covenant, the Halo series gets ZERO CROSSES.

QuoteGuitar Hero/Rock Band/Guitar Praise (Various)
    8.27.2008: (Note: I have not played Guitar Hero or Rock Band since they contain music that isn't allowed on the Fellowship U campus, so I am basing this mini-review on Secular media reports.) This is actually a review of a genre of games. It started with Guitar Hero, which included a plastic guitar controller that lets the player "play along" with a song by pressing the buttons on the fret and strumming a bar. The challenge is to both match the correct "chords" and to strum at the right time to stay in sync with the song, which is represented on screen with a stream of colorful "notes" coming at you. Guitar Hero became wildly popular with both kids and adults (some sources call it a "cultural phenomenon") and has spawned both sequels and a competing game called Rock Band, which adds drums and a mic. While the basic gameplay itself is otherwise wholesome and fun, the problem with these games are the songs included, which are all Secular and even Satanic in nature. These games are gateway drugs that lure innocent youths, under the guise of a harmless "party game", into listening to (and memorizing through repetition) some of the most anti-Christian and Satan-exalting rock music ever published, including songs by Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osbourne, White Zombie, Slayer, the Blue Oyster Cult, and the S*x Pistols (if you don't know who those bands are... they're really bad. Before I gave myself to Jesus, I listened to some of these bands and I know that they are destructive and their messages promote a bleak and immoral worldview). Besides the songs, the games also have other Satanic trappings, including having Satan himself appearing as your band's manager in GH3! Parents and youth pastors are strongly encouraged to look into the songs hidden in these games and not allow their kids to be exposed to them. Thankfully, there is now an alternative for parents and pastors who want to allow their kids to get their shred on at parties and youth group meetings but don't want them having Slayer's "Reign in Blood" brainwashed into their minds. Christian game publisher Digital Praise are about to release Guitar Praise (PC & Mac), which will do for Guitar Hero what their Dance Praise did for the Secular Dance Dance Revolution. Guitar Praise will have a guitar controller just like GH's and the same gameplay, only it will include only top Christian rock bands, such as dc Talk, Thousand Foot Krutch and Skillet, that reflect Christian values instead of those of Satan. For their sneakily hidden Satanic rock content, Guitar Hero & Rock Band both get ZERO CROSSES. Guitar Praise is not released as of this writing, but I'm sure I'll give it least ††††

QuoteBully (Rockstar, PS2)
'Bully' Homosexuality
    10.22.2006: Bully is a very, very bad game. It promotes school violence, vandalism, disrespect for authority, and comic mischief. This was all expected when Rockstar announced their "Columbine simulator", but there's one surprise in the game no one saw coming: It teaches young boys to become homosexuals. Your character, Jimmy Hopkins, can "make out" with six other boys in the game and is rewarded with a health bonus (subtly teaching that homosexual sex is healthy). This content is hidden, not mentioned anywhere on the packaging or content rating. The game causes players to discover it by accident, then entices them to do it again and again, much like how actual homosexuality spreads. I had to try every boy in town just to find the ones that would kiss me. It was gross! After one of the boys asked me if I wanted to play "shirts and skins", I quickly turned off the Playstation because I didn't want to see what that was (Pastor Skeet later told me it's homosexual slang). Worst of all is that Bully is rated Teen, which means boys as young as 13 could be learning how to approach and kiss other boys! Parents need to be warned of this hidden objectionable content so they can organize boycotts. Please inform your Church. ZERO CROSSES

What's worse is this isn't all the reviews, there are plenty more!

me irl


AHAH This is so funny. I don't care if people are active in their religion, but there's some limit...


lol wow... that reminds me of this thing we did on a runescape forum... someone asked if runescape was breaking the ten commandments... =P

1st commandment: There are Zamorak, Saradomin, Guthix, Zaros... BROKEN
2nd commandment: I guess that God is not named in RS. OK
3rd commandment: The game does not stop for holidays. BROKEN
4th commandment: Your character does not have parents. N/A
5th commandment: Death and killings abound. BROKEN
6th commandment: Well, it's up to you whether to commit adultery. OK
7th commandment: Oh Heavens, it's even a SKILL. MASSIVELY BROKEN
8th commandment: There are episodes of deceit in RS. BROKEN
9th commandment: There is no way you can have someone else's stuff nowadays. OK
10th commandment: See 6th. OK

A massive 50% of the Ten Commandments are directly broken by Runescape. Therefore, it is an immoral game, and no person with a conscience should even approach such a shady website, lest our children be caught in temptation towards the fiery pits of Hell.

just so u know they were being sarcastic... =P

QuoteWhen a player kills another player, he goes to the corpse and does something called "tea bagging". I'm not going to describe this since it's gross, but, according to Skeet, it's something that homosexuals do to each other. Why would they do this in a game!? (That's not the only homosexual content. The human soldiers are referred to as "Spartans" -- the real Spartans were notorious homosexuals. Come to think of it, homosexuals have also stolen the rainbow symbol from Christians and are using it to separate people from their God by leading them astray into the "Gay lifestyle". Maybe Bungie included "tea bagging" to further their anti-Covenant theme into the multiplayer campaigns.)

owned =P
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


I've read something once for the mormons about how to stop masturbating, it was pretty hilarious lol..





even though they sound real enough, they're most likely fake. Pastor Skeet? Come on you just gave it away with that name.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


omg that's hillarity(sp?) at it's best! real or not it's funny! I can't believe there are people like this so ignorant and stupid :P