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3DS / Streetpass Mii Plaza / Monster Manor / Ending: A New Dawn

Started by PkmnMstrLevi, December 17, 2019, 10:46:37 AM

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This song request is easy to arrange. :D The song is *Ending: A New Dawn*. Here's the Youtube link:

Here's some helpful notes to get started, but please note there's a few black keys.

A, C Sharp, E, E, E, D, E, F Sharp, E,
8va A, then G Sharp I think, then F sharp, F sharp, E, D, E,
D, C Sharp, D, B, C Sharp, D, E, D, C Sharp, E, 8va A,
A, B, C Sharp, B, C Sharp, B, A, G Sharp, A.

These notes are correct to the best of my ability. Hope I helped. :) No clue about the bass line, I'm afraid.