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[MUL] Shovel Knight: Showdown - Fields of Fire (Title Theme)

Started by Galactic, December 11, 2019, 09:14:51 PM

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So Showdown came out yesterday and it rocks.  This music is amazing and if anyone with better ear skills than I would want to arrange it for piano I would seriously appreciate it.  I would definitely play this if there was sheet music out there, but alas there is none.  :( (I mean the game is only a day old so makes sense) I know that SK music can usually be hard to arrange partially due to its many voices, if you want to arrange a duet for it instead/as well, that would be totally fine too.  I have a fellow pianist IRL who loves the SK OST too.
Thanks so much if you arrange this, it would mean so much.  The amount of quality SK sheet music out there is criminally low and NSM has the best quality sheets of the series.  Thanks again!!!