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[GBA] Wario Land 4 - "The Big Board" by quiggly650

Started by Zeta, February 12, 2019, 05:36:38 PM

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Sorry for taking a while to respond, but I'm here now!

Most of the edits look good, just a few more things to mention:

-I think you got confused about what I meant by a double barline at the segno.  What I meant was adding a double barline at bar 14 rather than at the end of the piece (it should be a final barline at the end of the piece as it was before.)
-The rhythms in the left hand of bars 22 and 46 also needed to be fixed to be four quavers like in the picture as well as bar 30 (which you did fix).
-The copyright needs to be changed to https.
-The new measure distribution is certainly better, but I think it could do with one less system on the first page and an extra one on the last page which should give it a more balanced look (feel less cramped on the first page certainly.)

I have made all of the above edits in this file if you would like to use it.  I hope that helps!  After that I think that should be everything on my end.


All right, checked out the added file. It looks fine to me, so if it's all right by you, I'll just tack on your versions for the submission. Again, thank you for all your help in this.


hello I am here too

Nice job guys cleaning this up! I do have some further comments however to help polish this one off:
- The text boxes extend outside the margins in places. Try to keep them within, and change the margins if you need more space instead of pushing the text boxes outside of it (though this is probably just a result of whatever template you used).
- The measure distribution is a step in the right direction, but it can still be improved upon! Even though the first two systems are fairly empty, cramming 7 measures into the first system (which is indented too) makes it a lot more crushed than other parts of the song.

Here's a file with the above formatting adjustments - feel free to use it!

Aside from the above, there's a couple of musical things I'd like to point out:
- I don't really agree with extending the durations of most of the bass notes. Maybe I'm understanding Brassman's comment differently:
Quote from: Brassman388 on February 13, 2019, 10:52:15 AMOverall the bassline sounds separated, as does the top melody, but other times it's pretty connected. I blame the soundfonts used which seem to be some sort of plucked instrument with a heavy decay rate. Which would explain why there are rests peppered throughout your sheet.
but I think that was an indication to consider places like the F#-G#-A in m. 18-19 as a phrase instead of filling in all the left hand rests in certain sections. In m. 15+, the bass notes sounds like they audibly die out on the offbeats and the way the line is written in half notes suggests a very different legato feel as opposed to what's in the original. Thoughts?
- There are a few places where there's a quarter note on beat 2.5 that needs to be split up into two tied eighth notes in order to visually show beat 3 (places like m. 16 and 20).

Hope that helps!
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!




Sorry for the delay on this one. Changes this time around are as follows:
  • Switched some half notes in bass line to quarter notes: There were several ways to fix the separation in the bass line, but I think this method best displays the separation visually.
  • Changed quarter notes on beat 2.5 to tied eighths: much cleaner visually, allows for better tracking.
Thank you for being patient.


Awesome! Just a last few comments:
- I think it'd be better to just show the empty right hand staff throughout (right now it's kind of inconsistent - the third system shows it while the first two don't)
- This is pretty minor, but the contour of the triplet line in m. 30-31 would be better preserved if the last triplet group in m. 30 was flipped upwards
- I think m. 55+ and similar following measures would be a little better written using an eighth and rest instead of a staccato'd quarter. If you want to keep it though, that's fine
- Last measure - A needs to be split across beat 3 in the right hand
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Thank you for those last tips. I've changed each one as suggested.


My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Brilliant stuff, congratulations on your first sheet!


This submission has been accepted by Libera.

~Zeta, your friendly NSM-Bot