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Started by Mashi, April 25, 2012, 09:12:16 PM

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Yes, just make the background colour white and make the font and size the same for all the text and it's perfect!  Thanks, Yugi!


Hey does anyone want to help me revive this?


Quote from: Yugi on April 07, 2014, 11:28:32 PMHey does anyone want to help me revive this?
Well, I just saved it from being deleted with the reactivation link, does that count?

The LLFTWG Wiki still exists too, although I don't know who owns it so I'm not sure if there can be any sort of easy merger or something of the sort.

But yeah, with Last Life long having been cleansed of any traces of TWG, this forum at NSM was the last surviving bastion of the "Werewolf Game" tradition – that is, the variation with out-of-thread chat and no cardflipping by default, which was probably developed specifically for an online IM-connected audience. I've searched the MU database too, and most of the sites labeled "Werewolf" are either long dead or just a different name for mainstream Mafia.
That is, we're possibly the last bit of evidence that this tradition even existed,outside of super-old games in the FFR archives. That site has long since abandoned the format in favor of mainstream Mafia, and I'm not too sold on the resilience of those archives, given that a couple of updates resulted in the oldest posts on the forum being lost.
So I'm drawing a line in the sand here, and saying we cannot disappear. Even if no-one ever plays what we call "TWG" again, I feel like we've already lost far too much of our history. This tradition seemed to decline at the same time the major waves of innovation and diversification in others were just beginning, and had history taken a few different turns over the last decade or so I'd say we'd be well-poised for synthesizing some of those developments into awesome new TWGs instead of idly scraping about the ruins. But again, if we literally lose everything than it's highly unlikely we'll ever rebuild.

Lastly, I run a Discord server full of mostly old-guard LLF/NSM players who might be interested in dropping in, should the stars align. PM me if you're not already in it and want to join, and perhaps we can better coordinate both this and other efforts.
~ Kai Lugheidh | ~


On that note, it would definitely help to have multiple backups of NSM/LLF TWG history, all controlled by different people (and as publicly accessible as they can be), if possible.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on May 23, 2023, 11:45:24 PMOn that note, it would definitely help to have multiple backups of NSM/LLF TWG history, all controlled by different people (and as publicly accessible as they can be), if possible.

What about not only multiple backups of your history, but also of any of the new stuff you post/play, in a publicly accessible distributed network that ensures no private owner or corporate fiat can demolish it in one fell swoop?
That's the gist of Rotunda, a project I've been gestating for a while, now, and with the recent spate of absolute fuckery perpetrated by nearly every major platform on the web, it's something that I'm chomping at the bit to actually make real in some sense.

A short summary adapted from the survey:
QuoteRotunda [is a planned] open-source federated "collection of platforms" that would enable people to host all kinds of collective activities.

Unlike the current Fediverse, it is not meant to mimic the churn of contemporary "instant" social media platforms. There would be some stuff in that vein, like individual status feeds and direct/group messaging, but Rotunda's core feature would be something called a Space, which is basically a classic discussion forum with some much needed technology upgrades.

Rotunda, above all, is planned to be truly decentralized and resilient. All devices running Rotunda would form a network, and all data uploaded to the network – from the most lovingly detailed custom gameboard to a single forum post – would be given a unique "signature" via cryptographic hashing. [NOTE: this has nothing to do with cryptocurrency, mind you. Rotunda is a strictly small-tech and/or web0 project.]

This does away with the need to retrieve your data by connecting with a specific server in a specific location. Instead, you and everyone else in your Space would host their own data, and backup each other's data, by dedicating a customizable amount of storage to the network. The generated "signatures" would then ensure that you can find whatever you're looking for, no matter who (or what) has it. Robust privacy options and encryption by default would make sure your content is seen by who you intend to see it – no more, no less.

Finally, after joining the network, you would create one or more Aliases (akin to different "handles" or accounts) which can each join/leave any number of Spaces, seamlessly and independently. So you won't have to make different accounts for different instances, as you unfortunately have to do for the current Fediverse. It would be truly interoperable.

Rotunda's primary intended use would be to help you do things with your friends – usually fun things! From social deduction games, to RPG campaigns – even movie nights! If Rotunda doesn't quite fit your needs at first, its functionality will be easily expandable with Modules, freely distributed applications or "mods" that facilitate particular activities or purposes.

Maybe you don't care about all that, and just want a nice place for you and your friends to chat. Rotunda will do that too – and as a bonus, your place will never suddenly disappear because of unpaid hosting bills or a private owner liquidating it.If Rotunda becomes a thing, that would mean your friend group, dev team, Mafia board, etc. could become a self-hosted and self-managed community of its own, which lasts as long as you want it to last, and is impervious to the whims of any unaccountable digital landlord.
While the response has been mostly positive thus far, it has been very limited in number, and of those few, none seem to have the expertise or the willingness to make it happen (or alternatively, tell me it can't), which makes me a sad foxcat. Which is why I'm now posting about it here, because this place is probably above average on the Shitzgiven Scale.

Like seriously, all the basic technology is there as far as I can see – WebTorrent, content-addressable storage, sponge ciphers, open communication protocols like WebRTC and ActivityPub. We're just missing the glue – the extensible data spec, the application itself, the method of building Modules for that app, etc. – that will let us build our own little Forever Forums with them.

If anyone here has any criticism, advice, or support for this project, especially if you've any expertise in programming, specification design and/or systems engineering, please give me a shout.
~ Kai Lugheidh | ~


Quote from: Kaiveran on July 15, 2023, 03:51:42 AMWhile the response has been mostly positive thus far, it has been very limited in number, and of those few, none seem to have the expertise or the willingness to make it happen (or alternatively, tell me it can't), which makes me a sad foxcat. Which is why I'm now posting about it here, because this place is probably above average on the Shitzgiven Scale.
Yeah, unfortunately the biggest problem is finding people with enough skills to make it happen. I imagine that's why a lot of ambitious and genuinely promising ideas get consumed by the typical venture capitalist/corporate pitfalls.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber