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The Confession Thread

Started by Saria, February 25, 2013, 12:54:28 PM

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Men's problems, women's problems, and even a lot of homophobia all boils down to the idea that masculinty is superior to feminitity.

Women get payed less because they're the "weaker" gender, so they're subconsiously asssumed to not perform as well.
Women are hardly charged with domestic violence because men are "stronger", therefore how could a women hurt a man?

This is what (real) feminism is trying to fight: by making women and things associated with women veiwed as equal to their male counterparts so all this shit doesn't happen anymore.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Trainer Ave

While I personally believe the pay gap has other factors at play that is not what I want to focus on. My problem with your post is that you are committing the "No True Scottsman" fallacy. You are using the dictionary definition of feminism. But there are a few issues with that:
Feminism has never been concerned about men's issues. It is a movement about women's issues.
The action of the people who use a label do more to define it than a dictionary does.
Most feminists demonize the men's rights movement which is actually built on trying to fix these issues. They demonize it because any recognition that men have disadvantages in this world is a direct threat to their central belief in the mythical patriarchy.
Feminism hasn't been helping women much in today's world either. Feminism used to be a good thing but has now devolved into an idealogoy which demonizes men and places women into a cycle of perpetual victimhood. I don't about you but that doesn't sound very helpful to me. This is why more and more women are rejecting the feminist label.

To be clear the first 2 waves of feminism we're good movements but modern feminism isn't very helpful to either men's or women's equality.

Also on domestic violence, I agree that that is why male victims are laughed at but that doesn't make it any better. They still need help and support. As of now there is only one men's domestic violence shelter in the entire world.
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Them's fightin' words, chief


Uh, no. Do you know what an extremist is?
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Trainer Ave

It doesn't matter if you dub them as extremist. They are the ones with the largest voice. They are the ones in power. They are the ones that have the ability to affect public policy.
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Bwaf, you're characterizing the vast majority of people who describe themselves as feminists as terrible people with selfish agendas who treat men like the scum of the earth, and I daresay you won't find any evidence to back that claim up. You've made the mistake of assuming a vocal minority represents an entire group of people instead of realizing that there is a far quieter majority. Seriously, man, you aren't making yourself looking any less like an ignorant entitled teenager, even though I'm sure you're not, and if you keep making sweeping statements like this, you're only going to get hurt.

You also seem paranoid that only these feminist extremists are in power when, as FA has already brought up, an overwhelming amount of evidence still points to male favoritism in American society. You don't look like an enlightened revolutionary; you look like a paranoid complainer.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book

Trainer Ave

Dudeman I think you failed to realize that I stated that the feminists that are in power are the extremists (if that's what we're going to call them). You don't think I can back up this claim? Look at BuzzFeed, look at Miz Magazine, look at the National Organization for women. FA has failed to bring up any examples of favoritism towards men in this society besides the wage gap which has been debunked countless times. As I have pointed out men have a large number of disadvantages they face in today's world which no one has bothered to debunk.

And anyway feminism is entirely predicated on the notion that there exists a patriarchy set up by men to benefit men at the expense of women which is just not true.

Third I find it funny you would call me ignorant of things I have been researching for the past three years. Usually talking to people far older and wiser than myself. Specifically people who either have careers in this field and/or personal experiences with the issues I have described.

Finally stop assuming that I believe every member of a particular group is a certain way. Multiple times I have acknowledged that not all members of a group act a certain way but I am referring to the ones that are. You keep using the not all ____ argument. I already know that. I'm talking about the ones that are.
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My intentions are not to prove to you that women live more difficult lives than men, I'm trying to get it across to you that the issues you are complaining about are also issues that feminists are trying to fight. You're fucking on the same side as the majority of feminists, but apperantly you're too dense to see that women's issues and men's issues aren't mutually exclusive.

EDIT: as for extremists being the one's in power, they aren't. No man hating-legislation has come out of contemporary feminism. Everything you've been complaining about comes from more traditional veiws of gender roles.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Trainer Ave

I have yet to see a feminist fight for any of these issues. In fact I have seen quite the opposite. I have seen feminists try to shut down conferences which discuss these issues. I have seen the launch smear campaigns against The Red Pill, a documentary on men's issues released in March 2017. As for the extremists in power, I have already sited 3 examples but I'll provide more imperical data that shows feminism is not concerned with men's issues.
I'll have to do it tomorrow though because I'm having to use my data which is draining my battery faster than my phone can charge it. Tomorrow I will have WiFi and will be able to provide a large collection of data.
For now though if you have 2 hours and a Hulu subscription I suggest watching The Red Pill. It's a documentary discussing men's issues and how they've been ignored.
I have never found any rebuttals against the points made by MRAs in the film. I have however seen feminists shut down screenings of this film and get it completely banned in some countries.

EDIT: I don't have a belief that either gender has it worse and frankly that doesn't really matter. I am simply acknowledging the issues that face men that are being ignored. That does not mean that I hate women. Not does it mean that I don't believe they face issues. They do, but the actual issues they face are not issues I see feminists discussing. Feminism is a women's movement. That's why it's called feminism. There are good people in the feminist movement. There are not good people in the radical feminist/social justice movement. The radical feminist/social justice movement is the only one that tends to get any attention.
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Quote from: FireArrow on August 30, 2017, 01:18:22 PMThis is what (real) feminism is trying to fight: by making women and things associated with women viewed as equal to their male counterparts so all this shit doesn't happen anymore.
THIS^^^ so much.

I tend to tell people I'm an "equalist" rather than a "feminist" because the word alone makes people have such a visceral reaction these days

to get back to the original topic at hand, you are only 20 and have a very long time to find someone. The average age that men get married in the US is 29 years old. (Though I think you mentioned something about not wanting to get married?) You're young, and I know it's lonely at times, and seems hopeless - TRUST ME, I've been there - but I believe there is someone for everyone out there. You'll probably find them when you least expect it. In the meantime, I suggest focusing on yourself, your studies, hobbies, your health, music, whatever it is you do, and just enjoy being happy with yourself because in the end, that's really all you've got.

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Trainer Ave

I agree that maybe I'll eventually find someone who I'd want to spend my life with but I still will not get married and I may even be reluctant to have children (cross that bridge when I get to it). My reasons for not wanting marriage are rather extensive and way too long to list in a forum post so I'll not go into it but suffice it to say the majority of it deals with the laws surrounding divorce.
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Yeah totally understandable. I know a lot of people who have been together for years but aren't married. And these days it's not as big of a deal if you don't do it. In some states they even have "Common Law Marriage" where you get certain (if not all) rights that married people get without actually being married. Iirc, you have to be together for 7 years for that to take effect.

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