
oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer

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Draco456's Arrangement: Mollusque-Lanceur Battle Theme

Started by Draco456, October 24, 2019, 12:11:57 PM

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Keep in mind, I don't have Finale, and Finale Notepad is too much of a pain. I use MuseScore instead. As such, the PDF and MIDI files will reflect that software, although the format is very similar to the required format for this thread (after a few alterations by yours truly). Also, instead of an .mus file, I'm adding a .musicxml file instead.

In the meantime, I've PMed Deku Trombonist with a request to convert my .musicxml file into .mus, fix the formatting, and export the PDF and MIDI files.

Anyway, enjoy!

Music XML:


Welcome to NinSheetMusic!

You won't have to worry about Finale stuff here since the updaters can help you out with all the conversion stuff. A few arrangers here are MuseScore users but get by just as fine as everyone else.
Anyway, nice sheet you got here.


I'm not surprised that no one else did this one. It was one of the hardest songs to transcribe by ear for me, and I'm very good at this, what with both years of experience and having perfect pitch. The main reason why is that, as you have probably guessed, it's completely atonal, and it usually doesn't get any harder than that. I had to use both the original and the 8-bit version to make sure I got it right.

I noticed that you are one of the updaters. Do you think you could convert my .musicxml file to .mus for me and send me the link (along with the exported PDF and MIDI files)? I would love to submit this arrangement to this website ASAP. I still haven't heard back from Deku Trombonist.

