[NDS] Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - "Route 210/215 (Day)"

Started by Trainer Ave, June 25, 2016, 11:47:21 PM

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Trainer Ave

Completed by dajwxp

If someone could arrange this song for me I would greatly appreciate it. Normally I world arrange a song like this myself but I'm currently arranging about 30 tracks in tribute to someone so I don't think I'll have time.
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on June 25, 2016, 11:47:21 PM

If someone could arrange this song for me I would greatly appreciate it. Normally I world arrange a song like this myself but I'm currently arranging about 30 tracks in tribute to someone so I don't think I'll have time.

I'll be on this one soon, hehe! ^^
Don't worry 'bout all the awesome DPPt tracks, I've got them somewhere in the cloud~


Oh! Erm, update.

It's done! Actually, it's been done since Tuesday. :p But as with most arrangements I'm holding on to the release for a little while in case I spot any errors in the meantime.

At its current state though, it's kinda...unplayable. Yeah. Went a tiny bit overboard. I mean, you can play it, but it's ridiculously hard to learn, so much so that I wouldn't try it myself. Hehe.

I'm working on a simplified version this week, but a full youtube release accompanied with a score will be out by the weekend, promised :)

Trainer Ave

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pdf download! ^^

Temporary video and permanent pdf link if you're interested though! ^^




I know it's already sorted but I love this tune and couldn't resist a slightly jazzier duet version of this. My thanks to dajwxp for his awesome score that I used as a basis for the primo part! :D My version should be very playable too (assuming there's two people).



I wrote this reply by accident and don't know how to delete it....