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Vending Machine

Started by Egnio, June 06, 2008, 08:26:08 PM

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Quote from: Gamer4250 on June 11, 2008, 09:32:00 PMCongratulations!  You received the award for being the biggest epic failure of the forum!  BOTH OF YOU.

*does nothing*
You seriously have issues with people...
But, since I'm such a nice person, I'm gonna give you this:

Now pay up. jk.


*Pushes starpikachu aside and inserts a coin*
<Blizz>   [17:00:00] <Blizz> ♥ Harvest ♥


you get a justification!

That was honestly the dorkiest conversation I've see on these forums.
Of course we could get worse, we just haven't yet. :P

*inserts a frightening revelation*

me irl


Quote from: Composer #40 on June 11, 2008, 06:18:29 PM
Quote from: MegaMoo on June 11, 2008, 03:34:55 PM...and the machine breaks the trophy for you.

*inserts a coconut*

Not part of it:
This poo From Conker's Bad Fur Day

Not Poo from EarthBound

Lol that's actually a pretty funny mistake for me to make.

You win the darker side of Mario...

*inserts an advanced trigonometric calculator*

Composer #40

You win: A 800x600 wallpaper featuring the T-Virus!

*inserts deed to the Spencer Mansion*

It happens Every. Day!


You get an extremely small JPG image of the cover of Bomberman Land

*Inserts the One Piece*
<Blizz>   [17:00:00] <Blizz> ♥ Harvest ♥


You win this!

The only thing this pocket protector protects you from is chicks. :D

*inserts cash-money*

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever

Composer #40

You get an active thermal detonator for giving us you cash: The Empire

Remember be ten meters away before using.

*inserts another live detonator*


It happens Every. Day!


Sorry for bringing this back up, but this is truly a worthy prize for the gentleman above me.


Composer #40

You get nuclear waste.

Now its going to burn.

*inserts something useful...*

It happens Every. Day!


Hip, Hip, Hooray! You won the one person in the world who would put that to some use.

Inserts Hell Points