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Idea for submission system for smaller replacements

Started by Tobbeh99, January 27, 2016, 09:45:37 AM

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I've considered this a number of times as well. I would say that a pretty large portion of my submissions are replacements. But I think Olimar's right. Even if I were to just update the formatting on the horrible sheets, I'd need to end up fixing a few notation errors like time sigs, key sigs, 32nd notes that should be grace notes, etc... And if I'm gonna fix that stuff, I might as well check rhythms. And while I'm checking rhythms, I might hear a wrong note. By now I'm halfway to submitting a normal replacement, and the rest is gonna get fixed by the updaters anyway. In the end, it's really just a better idea to replace a sheet with everything fixed. Might as well put in the work while it's being looked at.
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