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Gaming Reviews, Opinion Articles and Gaming Videos: Seafoam Gaming (TDH'S site)

Started by TheDreamingHawk, August 30, 2015, 09:01:46 AM

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So yeah, if you recall I mentioned a few times that I run a website in my free time, where I review games for numerous developers to give them feedback. It's not really "big" right now, but some of my reviews have been well received by the developers of some games, usually with feedback given to me via twitter. I've been doing this for a good year now and overall I've been pretty pleased with reviewing games this way, as it made me feel as if I could help developers learn to improve their games, or help recommend it to others. Me and my friend Bespinben were talking about it the other day and he suggested I post my site info here in this board for others to check out (Similar to his facebook page). Well, I was nervous about doing so, but I figured why not. Here it is!

The website I run is, which has been around for a good 5 years now as a small freeforum, but in recent months it's been upgraded to a full domain website with a much wider reach. I have a twitter account at and for the past year that account has been the main source for feedback on my reviews, with the comments, suggestions etc being driven by the traffic from the twitter.

As for my articles, here are some examples of each of the categories I currently have up on the website. I don't do news (Focused on reviews) but I do have opinion articles planned and extra articles like interviews.

Here are a couple examples of my reviews and some of the companies I've reviewed for:

Atlus USA with a Lost Dimension Review that can be seen at

Nintendo of America with a Dr. Mario Miracle Cure review that can be seen at

Choice Provisions with a Dragon Fantasy Review that can be seen at

NIS America with an Operation Abyss review that can be seen at

Miscellaneous articles

Opinion Article of the DS Virtual Console:

Mini-interview with the game developer for Dragon Fantasy VoW, showing off an exclusive piece of information about the game's history:

That's just the general idea and some examples. While my website's design itself looks rather bland (Due to the lack of a graphic designer I'm using the default banner until I can find one to commission), I do put in hard work on my reviews, and would like to continue for as long as I'm able to. Speaking of which, I also opened up something new...

The Seafoam Gaming Youtube channel!

Last week I began work on my website's youtube channel, for posting gameplay videos of the latest games coming out that I can record, among other things. I may only have a composite capture device at the moment, so the quality definitely won't look so great but I've still been able to record gameplay footage for a few Wii U eShop titles now, and have plans to start a retrospective series, with the first episode being based on the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. It's just starting out, but like always if there's any feedback you have it would be helpful. For one example, here's my most recent gameplay video which is surprisingly popular with over 300 views so far.

So yeah, thanks to my good friend's advice, I decided posting in the Creativity Corner was a good place to get feedback. Feel free to join the forums if you wish, and please, leave me feedback if you are able to, as it would really help me improve this hobby.

My Video Game review website:

My Youtube Gameplay/retrospective channel:




Hey Sin and Punishment! I played the sequel Sin and Punishment Successor of the Skies and it's a great game I'd recommend, especially if you like shoot-em-ups. 
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Today's unique gameplay video: One of a rather obscure Famicom Disk System game, VS Excitebike!

Showing off how it works on the Wii U Virtual Console version. In other news, I got my recordings almost finished for part one of my PMD retrospective. A bit more recording and then it's off to editing! I may not have fancy equipment (Heck I honestly just have a composite capture device, a webcam and iMovie) but I'm still determined to work hard on it at least

My Video Game review website:

My Youtube Gameplay/retrospective channel:


Uh, well... Yikes! I forgot about updating this thread, despite all the new things that I've put up on the site. So I suppose I'll give a recap of recent events since the last post. (Sincere apologies for the double post, too)

New Reviews:

20 Reviews have been written since the last post! Too many to link to, so feel free to check out the ones you want to see on the Review Board. PSMD, Yoshi's Woolly World, Rodea and more!

New Opinion Articles:

Three Third Party GBA games that should hit the Wii U Virtual Console

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water's Digital Only Crisis

New Bonus Articles:

None. One should be coming soon though!

New Youtube videos:

Thirteen gameplay videos have been uploaded to the channel since the last post, along with the first two episodes of the Eternal Memories series! As another thing that I may do on rare occasions, I also tried my hand at speedrunning. My first one for the game Sin and Punishment can be found at the end of this post to wrap up the latest recap of recent events for Seafoam Gaming. My goal is to get the website to be bigger and better than ever before the start of the new year, so let's work hard on it together!

My Video Game review website:

My Youtube Gameplay/retrospective channel: