Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinte Labrinth

Started by Clanker37, September 13, 2012, 02:42:16 AM

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Believe it or not the paradise is lacking two themes entirely (Ending intro and epilogue) so I probably won't be much help but I could try if you really needed it... Still, believe me, if you aren't a completionist I would avoid getting perfect rank in GTI. That stupid "WELL DONE" jingle is burned into my memory forever due to the hours I spent, and no matter how much I checked I could never get Cobalion's mission to show up on the mission board. :( Post-game is there, it's just really, really repetitive. (the only time I've felt that way when playing a rougelike BTW) Probably the biggest fault I had with GTI was that 50 hour grinding period. LOVED everything up to the end of the post-story, but afterwards it's better to restart than to try and get a perfect rank.

...Although I'd cry if I left my level 100 Keldeo and KIPTEAM II behind, so I probably won't restart. Oh well, it's still an underrated game and I recommend it regardless. Just don't try to 100% it. It's not worth it unless you want to make everything crystalized (that's a new color for your shops along with Gold, Silver and Bronze) or listen to the ending themes in paradise. (They may be amazing songs and made me feel relieved when it was over but I still couldn't help but feel underwhelmed)

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