TWG 80: Player Sign Ups

Started by Mashi, May 02, 2015, 08:30:08 PM

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Latios212's TWG 80: Avalon - Take Two
2 (40%)
NocturneOfShadow's TWG 80: Avengers
3 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: May 09, 2015, 08:12:41 PM


Hosts can feel free to put up their games now.  I'll probably have the poll put up on April 7th or 8th at 11PM EDT since it seems the game starting near the end of the week is most convenient for a few Players.


Quote from: Mashi on May 04, 2015, 11:30:49 PMHosts can feel free to put up their games now.  I'll probably have the poll put up on April 7th or 8th at 11PM EDT since it seems the game starting near the end of the week is most convenient for a few Players.
Wow, the poll is going up a month ago? That's some serious time dilation.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


you guys cant put anything passed me!!!


I'll be in for real, maybe I'll come up with a game.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


I want to take a stab at hosting Avalon.

Avalon: Take Two

- Mordred - Only Wolf that Merlin does not know of. If Humans pass three missions, makes one guess towards which Player is Merlin.  If the guess is correct, Wolves win the game and Humans lose.
- Morgana
- Bad Lancelot
- Oberon - On the Wolf Team, but doesn't know the Wolves. Wolves don't know who he is, either.

- Merlin - Is told the identities of Morgana, Bad Lancelot, and Oberon, but not which is which.  If his identity is guessed by Mordred at endgame, Wolves win and Humans lose.
- Percival - Is told the identities of Merlin and Morgana, but not which is which.
- Guinevere - Is told the identities of Good Lancelot and Bad Lancelot, but not which is which.
- Good Lancelot
- Townie
- Townie

Human Victory Condition: Have three missions succeed and have Merlin's identity kept secret at endgame.
Wolf Victory Condition: Fail three missions or guess Merlin's identity after three missions succeed.

Game flow: Players will take turns being captain in a predetermined randomized order. The game will be comprised of (24-hour?) phases as follows:
- Current captain proposes a mission of X Players (depending on which mission).
- Everyone votes for or against this captain's proposed mission.
- If the majority of voters did not approve of the proposed mission, the next person becomes captain (If this happens four times, the next captain's mission will automatically go through). If the majority of voters approves, Night Phase starts. Each player on the proposed mission PMs the host whether to pass or fail the mission. It is then revealed how many people passed/failed it.

Day 1: Team of 3
Night 1: One fail vote required for mission to fail
Day 2: Team of 4
Night 2: One fail vote required for mission to fail
Day 3: Team of 4
Night 3: One fail vote required for mission to fail
Day 4: Team of 5
Night 4: Two fail votes required for mission to fail
Day 5: Team of 5
Night 5: One fail vote required for mission to fail

Seer mechanic: The Player (Human or Wolf) who was initially last in line to be captain is the first Lady (so essentially, randomly chosen). After Night 2, they will publicly announce who they want to seer. They will receive a PM from the host containing the color of the chosen player. The Player they seered will then become the next Lady and will be able to use the seering power after the following night, and so on.

My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!




Loki- Votes count for 2, Total votes against Loki are 1 less.  Humans win if Loki is revived.
Ultron- If Ultron dies, he is revived after the next Night Phase.

Hawkeye- is told he's a normal human.
Bruce Banner/Hulk- If Bruce Banner would be lynched, he instead turns into the hulk.  This kills Ultron, and afterwards he is turned back into Bruce Banner.  Is told he's a normal human.
Black Widow- Has a one-use vigi
Iron Man- Has a one-use revive that can be used at night.
Thor- Always wins (kitb's that is)
Captain 'Murica- Votes count for 2

When both wolves are dead, Loki is revived.
yolo didn't do any testing probably imbalanced like mad


Poll will be up today at 11PM EDT so if you would like to host, have your game up by then!


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on May 05, 2015, 10:51:52 AMTWG XXXXXXXD:  Avengers

Loki- Votes count for 2, Total votes against Loki are 1 less.  Wolves win if Loki is revived by Iron Man.
Ultron- If Ultron dies in any way, he is revived after two phases.

Bruce Banner/Hulk- Is seer'd red at night.* If Bruce Banner would be lynched/vigi'd, he instead turns into the hulk permanently.  This kills Ultron, and Hulk gains separate win conditions where he will win if all other avengers are dead.  Is initially told he's a normal human. (would die normally if wolfed)
Hawkeye- Is told he is a normal human.
Captain 'Murica- Votes count for 2.  Is told he's a normal human.
Thor- Always wins a kitb.  Is told he's a normal human.
Black Widow- Has a one-use vigi
Iron Man- Has a one-use revive that can be used at night.

*If Mashi were to play in Noc's place, add in:
Nick Fury- Can seer a player every night phase.

Would this work better?
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Ah, sorry, I have to participate in the 2+2 TWG thing in 3 days, so I was hoping not to join any games beyond that one.  My Finals also end in 3 days, however, so I'm planning to join most games after this one though.

NocturneOfShadow, I assume because of the colours and lack of seerings that your game has cardflipping?  I figure colour cardflipping, but I just want to make sure.

Humans are overpowered in the sense that Black Widow, Thor, Iron Man, and Captain American can form an alliance together Night 1, so that the future lynches only occur among the four non-confirmed Players.  This can easily be rectified, however, by making Black Widow and Iron Man have their powers be post-Death and telling them that they're normal Humans.  Similarly, you could simply tell Thor and Captain America that they're normal Human as well.

The Hulk would be better to still die from a lynch/vigi, but also having a Brutal power (Player chooses whom to kill) rather than a kill-Ultron power; it's unfair for the Wolves to lose one of their own purely for a mislynch of the Humans.  At least with the Brutal, whether a Wolf or Human dies is dependent on the choice of a Player.

Also noteworthy about Hulk and Black Widow; both of them have their Roles confirmed at death (or 'death' in the Hulk's case).  Not sure if that's what you were going for, but it's something to consider.

Only other suggestion I would make is to remove Loki's charismatic vote; it's feasible for Wolves to win easily with it if both Wolves are alive Day 3 and Humans should be granted 3 mislynches in this setup, based on the reviving idea you have.  It's an interesting concept (I think it might fit better in a much larger group of Players, but oh well) and I think you make it work based on what you have.



If it actually wins I'll run the numbers to balance it, how's that sound :P


so are we gonna start or what
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



NocturneOfShadow, if you're up to date with the thread, please post to affirm whether you will be making your game soon by tomorrow.  If you're absent by tomorrow at 10PM EDT, I'll let Latios212 host his game.


Had no internet for a while, bit ilk need a computer to do the math for me a Taj phone won't do it.  Looks like a trip to the library for me, it'll be set up tomorrow after 2 pm cool people time


Roger that then!  Take your time, I just wanted to make sure you were still here and interested.