KEYTARI: 8-bit Music Maker for Wii U

Started by Famous Gamous, July 06, 2015, 08:22:49 AM

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I'll try a code please! (Even though I'm in Australia, maybe I can work it somehow...)

Famous Gamous

Hi AwesomeYears,

I'm pretty sure it won't work, but I'm very happily PMing you a code, just in case, so you can try.  :)  Also, I am looking into releasing in different regions for the future.

Best luck!!


Oh hey, nice to see you here. It's me from Seafoamgaming. So far first impressions seem to be that this works fine for the most part, so I'll be sure to send the review to you sometime soon when it's finished, likely during the week of the 19th. Still a neat application!

My Video Game review website:

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Famous Gamous

Hey TheDreamingHawk, it's nice to see you here too.  As you are writing a review... I'll give you a clue that hidden within KEYTARI is a secret... and your first step to discovery is finding the LEGEND of KEYTARI in the eManuel.

Thank you so much!