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TWG 76: p ess tree HAS NO GAEMS Post Game

Started by Mashi, March 13, 2015, 09:32:29 PM

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Congratulations to the Wolves and Fool Teams!

1. Wolf Painter with Autism - Latios212
2. Wolf Painter with Schizophrenia - Bird
3. Jester with OCD - the_last_sheikah
4. Apprentice with Inferiority Complex (and OCD) - maelstrom
5. Seer Who's Batman - Bubbles
6. Beloved Princess with Bipolar Spectral Disorder - AwesomeYears
7. Human With Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - BlackDragonSlayer
8. Humankin - NocturneOfShadow
9. Cirno - mariolegofan/Dude
10. Vanilla Townie - fank009

Night 1:
Wolves wolf Bird.
Bird paints fank009 Red.
Latios212 paints Bird Green.
Bubbles seers BlackDragonSlayer Green.

Day 1:
NocturneOfShadow is shot by Bubbles.
There is a KitB between maelstrom and BlackDragonSlayer.  maelstrom is lynched.

Night 2:
Wolves wolf Bubbles.
Latios212 paints himself Green.
Bubbles attempts to seer AwesomeYears, but dies.
Bubbles votes to revive Bird.
Latios212 votes to revive Bird.
BlackDragonSlayer votes to revive Bird.
fank009 votes to revive Bird.
AwesomeYears votes to revive Bird.
the_last_sheikah votes to revive maelstrom.
Dude votes to revive Bird.

Day 2:
Dude replaces mariolegofan.
Bird is revived.
Dude is shot by fank009.
Latios212 is Insta'd.

Night 3:
Bird attempts to wolf the_last_sheikah, but the kill is redirected to ---
Bird paints fank009 Red.
the_last_sheikah votes to revive maelstrom.
Bird votes to revive maelstrom.
BlackDragonSlayer votes to revive Bubbles.
fank009 votes to revive Bubbles.

Day 3:
A revive KitB occurs and maelstrom is revived.
Bird attempts to shoot fank009.
the_last_sheikah shoots fank009.
the_last_sheikah is lynched.  Fool and Apprentice win.  Wolves autowin.

1. maelstrom - Claiming wasn't really your best move Day 1, but it was an understandable mistake.  You ended up being revived and winning though, so good on you!
2. Bubbbles - You did a good job of seeming Human early on in the game, which isn't anything I can hold to you as a fault.  Had you lived longer, I think Bird might have struggled more than he had to win and possibly would have failed though!  Good game on your part though, getting wolfed early is usually an indicator of playing well.  Honourable Mention
3. Latios212 - Not too bad for a new Player!  It was unfortunate that Bird and you didn't get a chance to interact much due to his wolfing himself and being inactive the Day Phase you were lynched, but you played well enough to clinch victory.  Your main goal was to survive Day 1 so that Bird could run with the game and that's more or less what you did!  It wasn't really your fault for becoming 'suspicious' Day 2, since, as fank009 stated, people suspected you mostly out of process of elimination.  That only means that you should put in more effort to seeming Human early, but for a new Player, you played well.  Good job!
4. fank009 - Sorry, Bird trolled the game!  You more or less had the setup in your hand by the end of Day 2, but unfortunately, due to Bird shenanigans, things became lost in the confusion.  Typical fank009 performance otherwise though.
5. BlackDragonSlayer - Played a decent game.  Shooting Dude was understandable given mariolegofan's behaviour.  Otherwise, you didn't really do anything that would detriment the Humans and played like an average Human should.
6. NocturneOfShadow - You played the game as I hoped everyone would and then were lynched Day 1 because you were too ahead of your time.  My condolences.
7. the_last_sheikah - You didn't really do anything "Fool-like," in my opinion, aside from Insta-ing Latios212, but if your intent was to live long enough to joint win with the Wolves, you were successful!
8. AwesomeYears - You played okay with your Role!  Claiming was a decent move and had mariolegofan not screwed over the legitimacy of your claim, you could have united with Bubbles.  Only mistake you made was neglecting to vote Night 3 for the reviver vote.  It left the revive to the KitB and led to the Wolves and Fool winning!
9. mariolegofan/Dude - mariolegofan, you need to step up your game, to be honest.  Dude, you played gr8.  Sorry that you had to replace into a rock and a hard place.  I hope you at least had fun for the short time you were playing!
10. Bird - Amazing.  MVP

Overall Impressions: Well, this setup was exciting from my perspective!  I'm figuring the setup might have been a bit Wolf-sided given the joint win possibility, but with the variance of the shootings, it's hard to tell.  Regardless, I hope that everyone enjoyed the game to some extent, because it was certainly a blast hosting.  I might play around with the Mechanic and make a more serious game in the future.  But until then, again, I hope you enjoyed the game!


Hey wait a minute... if we had lynched Latios when I wanted to, we would have won... :P

EDIT: Also we could have revived Bubbles if people had been more active! Noooooo...

DOUBLE EDIT: Additionally, I think the setup would be fine if there were a few more humans and maybe another wolf (something more like a 14-16 player game). As it is, smaller games are harder to balance in general because they're probably going to be short no matter what.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Woah, didn't realise that you can wolf teammates :P

Also was expecting fank to be a wolf :(


That was fun.  My plan was to lay low until the end of day 2, do something to make people suspicious, then get lynched.  Fortunately, all the claiming just made my job easier.  Good game, who's ready for another?
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Good game everyone! I agree that it was a little wolf-sided, but at least it was still really close at the end.

I decided to play a bit riskier this game, and I think it might have paid off in the end. I'm actually really surprised that the self-wolfing managed to make me look human. I was worried that it would seem like an obvious ploy, coming from me! Anyway, I sort of forgot about the game after I died, which is why I missed most of day 2. Actually, I feel pretty bad about abandoning my partner, once by just sort of killing myself with little explanation and then a second time by forgetting about the game. By the time I was reading the thread, people were already in the middle of insta-ing Latios.

While that lynch was happening, I was trying to come up with a plan that would let us work with the Jester. It was pretty elaborate, and required both wolves and the Jester to work together to get a win right then and there. Unfortunately, it ended up being that very Jester (the_last_sheikah) who brought the hammer down on Latios!

At that point, I knew it was just the Jester and I alive, with three other humans. I figured that if I bluffed, acting like the third wolf was still alive, I could get the Jester to claim to me while making the humans give up on reviving a human player. I don't know if that's actually what happened, but somehow the_last_sheikah and I managed to revive maelstrom. At that point, even though we had the majority, we still could have lost if we'd been shotgunned, which is why I lied and said that my wolf claim was false and that fank had claimed Jester to me. It ended up not mattering since the_last_sheikah successfully shot fank.

All-in-all, it was a pretty awesome game. The set-up is fantastic, and I think it'd be perfect with just one or two more human players.

Also, Latios you were a great partner even though we didn't get to interact very much. :P
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


To tell the truth, I didn't know you could self-wolf....  :-[



we would have won with that vote...

Mind you we did still have a mathematical chance.

Considering how close we were to actually winning...

Risky move there bird, but it was a good idea. something we forgot about during all the deliberation

Quote from: AwesomeYears on March 13, 2015, 09:40:52 PMAlso was expecting fank to be a wolf :(
How long have you been thinking this... Its not a good though process to have... being agressive =/= wolf, being crafty on the other hand.
If you still thought this after Night 3... you really need to learn to asses the situation (sorry for the harshness but, YOUR VOTE!!!)

I'll be honest... as you saw I shot AY and all the rubbish that flied over... bird did a good job of making me paranoid even if we still had a statistical chance at winning

Bubbles did well... actually called bubbles being batman towards end of day 2

You were right a bit mashi, I controlled the game expertly (-bird, can't control him though :P) just let down a bit when no one could expand on the holes that I tore apart.

MLF, you can troll succesfully, but there are certain grounds that you just dont go into, as it effectively hurts the humans, and we didn't need that. minus the claim we actually would have given dude a chance, but as I stated in the game, we couldn't let dude live.
Dude, as I stated in the thread.

Quote from: Maelstrom on March 13, 2015, 09:52:40 PMTo tell the truth, I didn't know you could self-wolf....  :-[
yeah it's an option.

Mael you played your role fine I think... what you should have done was get wolves to claim to you as well so that you could get everyone together and set something up that way (I was thinking about ccing jester, but yeah...)

minus bird luck and lack of questioning the flaws in my "perfect" plan, humans played a decent game.
BDS, you've got to question my leans more.

and for the record, we should have revived noct xD
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


That was an amazing game... I'm going to read it over many times to try to learn things ^^
Bird was amazing haha you were a great partner after you returned. Before your awesome plan I was sure I was going to lose [emoji14]

Also... I've played 3 games and I've always been a wolf. The wolf at the top of the list, no less...
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Bird on March 13, 2015, 09:48:38 PMGood game everyone! I agree that it was a little wolf-sided, but at least it was still really close at the end.

I decided to play a bit riskier this game, and I think it might have paid off in the end. I'm actually really surprised that the self-wolfing managed to make me look human. I was worried that it would seem like an obvious ploy, coming from me! Anyway, I sort of forgot about the game after I died, which is why I missed most of day 2. Actually, I feel pretty bad about abandoning my partner, once by just sort of killing myself with little explanation and then a second time by forgetting about the game. By the time I was reading the thread, people were already in the middle of insta-ing Latios.

While that lynch was happening, I was trying to come up with a plan that would let us work with the Jester. It was pretty elaborate, and required both wolves and the Jester to work together to get a win right then and there. Unfortunately, it ended up being that very Jester (the_last_sheikah) who brought the hammer down on Latios!

At that point, I knew it was just the Jester and I alive, with three other humans. I figured that if I bluffed, acting like the third wolf was still alive, I could get the Jester to claim to me while making the humans give up on reviving a human player. I don't know if that's actually what happened, but somehow the_last_sheikah and I managed to revive maelstrom. At that point, even though we had the majority, we still could have lost if we'd been shotgunned, which is why I lied and said that my wolf claim was false and that fank had claimed Jester to me. It ended up not mattering since the_last_sheikah successfully shot fank.

All-in-all, it was a pretty awesome game. The set-up is fantastic, and I think it'd be perfect with just one or two more human players.

Also, Latios you were a great partner even though we didn't get to interact very much. :P
I entertained the notion of you wolfing yourself
after all in a revive game...
which is why I thought it was Bird/BDS partnership because he was so keen on reviving you