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Save and continue; (game music re imagined by LCKTRBeats)

Started by LCKTR, November 06, 2015, 10:04:02 AM

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It all started when I found sheet music from Secret of Mana (by NSM's Deku Trombonist). I thought it would be fun to try and recreate the sheet music in Propellerhead Reason. One week of music making later, and I already have two SoM songs completed, and a third one (Corneria's Theme from Star Fox) is on the way.

I'm not trying to make remixes or anything. I tried to recreate the songs, and give my own spin to it while trying to keep the atmosphere of the original song.

Spirit of Mana (Spirit of the Night):

Fear of the Heavens:

Again: Special thanks to The Deku Trombonist! :D

*edit: I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the SoundCloud embedding, but I put the URL of the songs under the SoundCloud bar
"The military industial complex is a front for multinational corporations whose sole purpose is to conspire against MICHAEL JACKSON'S MONKEY!!!"


And here is my latest song. Again: URL posted underneath embedded SoundCloud track, because I seem to screw up the embedding xD

(Special thanks to mantis985 and his arrangement of this epic song! :D )

"The military industial complex is a front for multinational corporations whose sole purpose is to conspire against MICHAEL JACKSON'S MONKEY!!!"