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Smash mains, personalities and stuff

Started by Tobbeh99, November 05, 2016, 04:10:28 AM

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Quote from: Maelstrom on November 05, 2016, 01:33:57 PMI swear it's because I love spamming the up+b.

Same here, but I spam side-b with Dark Pit.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


I couldn't hold a candle to anyone else, but when I play, I use Fox.

When I started, I'd spam thunderbolt with Pikachu so much that all of my friends hated me. And then they'd still beat me and make me feel like a horrible person. After that went on for a while, I decided to man up and learn to fight for reals. So I threw away the mouse and picked up the fox.
Quote from: Yellow on October 13, 2015, 05:18:40 PM
...Really though. Don't let them take it away from you. That desire for something more, for adventure... for destiny. Don't let them turn it against you, either.


Ok but for real though I almost always play Lucario now, but it isn't very often since I don't have a Wii. Or friends that have a Wii. Or friends.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on November 05, 2016, 11:15:10 AMAm I the only one who dislikes hearing tips and stuff to coach me? Because often when I lose I feel like I know what I did wrong and that I just didn't "played the game right" and that's why I lost. And I also like figuring out things myself in order to improve rather than "better" people sitting saying "this is what you should do against x character" or "this player really does x stuff a lot, take note of that".
this makes no sense to me as you ask for tips on arranging all the time.


I will give Tobbeh some credit and say that it does indeed make sense: when he feels like he knows what he did wrong, he's able to learn by himself, but when he has no clue how to get better and proceed, then he asks for "tips and stuff."
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I understand what he meant, but if your goal is to improve, you will ALWAYS listen.  Always.


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on November 05, 2016, 09:19:29 PMI will give Tobbeh some credit and say that it does indeed make sense: when he feels like he knows what he did wrong, he's able to learn by himself, but when he has no clue how to get better and proceed, then he asks for "tips and stuff."

Where's the like button? :)

Most of the time I ask for others opinion to see different sides of the matter and to see if people have a better way of, for example, notating some part. And I listen to see if people have convincing opinions, then I might follow their ideas.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


I've played Melee in tournaments for almost two years and I've gone through a good share of the top tiers before finally deciding on Fox and Marth. I swore to myself a few months in that I would never play Fox, but then I played him one day as a joke and fell in love. I started off with Falco, then had a brief stint with Samus, then was a strict Sheik main for a solid year. Hated all of them after a while.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I main Jigglypuff. But I'm really good with Rosalina & Luma, Duck Hunt, Bowser Jr., Yoshi, and Bowser. And I can play decently with about ten others on the roster.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: K-NiGhT on November 06, 2016, 09:59:35 PMI've played Melee in tournaments for almost two years and I've gone through a good share of the top tiers before finally deciding on Fox and Marth. I swore to myself a few months in that I would never play Fox, but then I played him one day as a joke and fell in love. I started off with Falco, then had a brief stint with Samus, then was a strict Sheik main for a solid year. Hated all of them after a while.

We got a Samus main, ex Luigi main, whom we used to joke with when he switched. Saying that "You started with Luigi, now you're going Samus, when will you end up if you keep climbing the tier list ladder"! :)
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


The thing is, my mains are usually top tier characters (except for Ness, but I would have to disagree with his tier position :P), but whenever I actually use them I feel too stereotypical or "fake" 'coz I'm just playing the stereotypically highest rated character, even if I have practices with them and can do decently well with them (not just like a noob who picks up a top tier just to try to get gud). I mean sure I feel justified using Fox since I have a connection with the Star Fox franchise, but when using Marth or something like that I just feel so hokey, kinda like "I've never actually played Fire Emblem and everyone knows Marth is top-notch, this is so ridiculous". Also weirdly, of course my mains are also influenced by the franchises that I like, like Samus, Captain Falcon, and Ness, but I feel that I don't really have the legitimacy to play as a character from a franchise I haven't played it don't know much about, kinda like "Imma just play as this character just to milk their Smash potential and not actually appreciate what game they came from and how they got molded into the Smash universe".