[MUL] Pikmin Series - Multiple Songs

Started by coolmath10, November 05, 2014, 05:36:56 PM

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Pikmin 2 - Perplexing Pool

Tempo between 165 and 170 BPM, Key signature sounds like it switches between C Major and C Minor.

Pikmin 3 - Garden of hope

Tempo 85 BPM, Key signature keeps changing every 5 seconds, you'll know what I mean.

Pikmin 3 - Tropical Wilds

Tempo 95 BPM, Key Signature I can't make out in the beginning, it's E Major later in the song though.

Pikmin 3 - Distant Tundra

Tempo 85 BPM, Key signature I can't make out

Pikmin 3 - Twilight River

Tempo 95 BPM, Key signature starts at C Minor

Pikmin 3 - Formidable Oak (Rainy Day)

Tempo 80 BPM, Key Signature C Minor


Sorry for all the requests, I'm kind of a Pikmin fanatic, especially with the music. XD


Just so you know, I have plans to eventually do all of these. Unfortunately, I am not in a position where I can arrange anything in a timely fashion (what with all of these school obligations) but rest assured that they are on my to-do list. Currently though, I am completing the first Pikmin's soundtrack, so these will most likely happen upon completion of that. I do however, already have a version of the perplexing pool in progress and have an incomplete version of Twilight River available for download on my arrangements page (can't post links on my shitty phone atm). Hopefully those can hold you over.

Others are free to take these, too. I'm just saying that eventually these will get done.
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Hmm, Perplexing Pool, huh. I might give it a try as long as Olimar doesn't already finish his.


even though olimar's usually busy, I think he wants to do all the pikmin files himself :P


Yeah lol that's why I said as long as he doesn't do it xD


Well coolmath pm'd me, so I want to do explain where I was in all this.

@Don: oh sure, pick the one that I have already started! ::)
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Is there any Pikmin song you've not already started? lol nah jk

Anyways the most likely scenario would be that you would've finished Perplexing Pool while I had 5 measures. So yeah, I think I'll try Formidable Oak instead.


Quote from: DonValentino on November 06, 2014, 11:54:35 AMFormidable Oak

The rain variation to that level is remenicent of the Final Trial :J
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Quote from: Olimar12345 on November 06, 2014, 01:49:56 PMThe rain variation to that level is remenicent of the Final Trial :J

Oh, I never realized that! It just sounds so different because of the different instruments and different key sigs.


Just wanted to clear things up: What I meant to say in my first post was that I plan to see all of these arranged, be it by myself or someone else. I am not specifically "Claiming" any of these, besides the ones I have already started (Perplexing Pool and Twilight River), I simply mean that if they go ignored or un-taken, I will eventually arrange them myself. Sort of like an assurance that they will get completed.
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Just a status update, I'm still working on Formidable Oak, just that free time is eluding me.