TWG 61: We have always been at war with Eurasia Post-Game

Started by Liggy, November 06, 2013, 07:00:15 PM

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Party Members:[/color]





----------Night 1----------

The Wolves wolf BlackDragonSlayer (Prole).
Nakah (Brotherhood Leader) recruits Greg (Prole).

-----------Day 1-----------

K-NiGhT - Mashi
Sauce   - Dude
Dude    - Fank
Nakah   - Fank
Fank    - TST
Greg    - Fank
Mashi   - Fank
Yugi    - K-NiGhT
TST     - Yugi
Toby    - TST

Greg (Brotherhood Prole) picks the seering power.
Fank (Prole) was lynched.

----------Night 2----------

The Wolves wolf Toby (Prole).
The Wolves incorrectly guess K-NiGhT (Prole[/color) as a Brotherhood member.
The Wolves used Minitrue.
Greg (Brotherhood Prole) uses his seering power, but it fails.

-----------Day 2-----------

Bird    - Mashi
Greg    - TST
TST     - Mashi
Mashi   - K-NiGhT
Yuhi    - K-NiGhT
Dude    - K-NiGhT
Bubbles - TST

----------Night 3----------

The Wolves use Minipax on Dude (Prole) and Bird (Party Member)
Nakah (Brotherhood Leader) recruits Bird (Party Member).
The Wolves incorrectly guess Mashi (Prole) as a Brotherhood member.
The Wolves wolf Greg (Brotherhood Prole).

-----------Day 3-----------

Dude  - Nakah
Greg  - Mashi
Mashi - TST
Yugi  - TST
Bird  - Mashi

Savvy-Sauce (Brotherhood Party Member) picks the vigi power.

----------Night 4----------

The Wolves wolf Mashi (Prole).
The Wolves correctly guess Nakah (Brotherhood Leader) as a Brotherhood member, killing him.
Savvy-Sauce (Brotherhood Party Member) vigis Yugi (Prole).
The Wolves use Minluv on Dude (Prole).


Individual comments to come later, so overall comments go!

All-in-all, this game did not really turn out how I expected it to!  I suppose it may be partially due to my last minute "balances" that basically just skewed the game into the wolves (blame Bird for making be feel guilty), but there's really something to be said about avoiding lynch three times in a row!  I was expecting so more creativity with the wolves' powers, and for people to actually be thinking about how the wolves' powers can actually be used against them, but none of that really happened!  Instead, it was just a serious of weak lynches and mild suspicions, and ultimately the last lynch came down to a KitB between essentially a safety vote and an outdated suspicion!

Player analysis to come later, and unlike those of you who played on LLF, this is actually a promise I intend to keep.


Im really sorry I didnt vote last phase! I swear I was going to but suddenly it was past 9

I think I need to take a break from TWG until I can actually do stuff


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
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Story Thread
The Dread Somber


It turns out there was nothing the humans could have done on Day 3. With the minipax on Dude and I, if you went for Dude, I'd have been revived when Bubbles refreshed the power, and if you went for me, Dude would have died. Only by going for Bubbles could you all have potentially saved yourselves, but the wolves would still control half the votes in that instance, with Nakah guessed and a vigi/wolfing the following night.

Although in hindsight the game seems to have been balanced in favor of the wolves, the humans never really suspected Bubbles or I! I feel like if Mashi and Nakah had more time, they would have worked out their differences and started looking at me, but that wasn't really a possibility.

Oh well. Good game Liggy!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


QuoteI was expecting so more creativity with the wolves' powers, and for people to actually be thinking about how the wolves' powers can actually be used against them, but none of that really happened!  Instead, it was just a serious of weak lynches and mild suspicions, and ultimately the last lynch came down to a KitB between essentially a safety vote and an outdated suspicion!
:/ I tried doing that... but the pedanticness of mine got me lynch (... Im so glad everyone notices the differences between my wolf game and my human game :/ (here's a hint, there IS no difference...) there was a quote in the chat (think it was bird), grilling me on my vote for mashi,

In all honesty, (after my lynch) humans had no chance (not that me being alive being ALL the difference, given I cleared both wolves (somewhat...) (Bird you scummy player looking to put heat on K-night like that...) The game and the powers were heavy in control of the wolves, and in combination of having no real discussion in terms of the lynch (from what I saw anyway...)

Fank lynch (was somewhat stupid, you should know that im telling more as the time goes on AND give random ideas regardless of alignment (and considering nakah gave similar thoughts, I am hurt that nakah wasnt insta lynched :/)
K-night lynch WAS stupid, (even more stupid that you didnt grill bird on that day 1)
KITB was stupid (considering how OP wolves were...)

Greg, I dont blame you for using the seering power (should have held onto it?) +1 wolves for catching onto it and effectively making it useless...
I wish I wasnt playing two games at once :/ (wasnt able to put a lot of effort into this one...)
Nakah, I need to properly introduce myself.

(wait WHAT... wolves only had to catch a member? I thought they had to only find leader.....)

(bird, WHY didnt you catch onto my tells, you would have won the game much earlier (or not :P)

Nothing really more that I want to say about this. TST for human MVP nominations IMBO

(*ok fank, thats enough steam set out*)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: fank009 on November 06, 2013, 07:41:10 PMGreg, I dont blame you for using the seering power (should have held onto it?) +1 wolves for catching onto it and effectively making it useless...

Yeah, I'll admit that was pretty dumb. I even thought of the possibility, and then just decided not to cancel my seering b/c I really wanted a guaranteed Brotherhood member Night 3 I guess? Ah well.



Also, liggy that was a terrible joke about my death.

Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


Bird gets MVP in my opinion. Did we stop doing that? He totally had me fooled. So did bubbles.


Neat game, but powers definitely seemed to favour the wolves. You guys should just lynch Bubbles every D1. She's virtually impossible to read (a la S/A on LLF)!
We can't let morality stop progress! - mnrogar


Bubbles use to be able to read when she went inactive as a wolf. :D

Wolfed Night 1 last game, Night 2 this game? Come on!!!

Good game Liggy!