TWG 61: We have always been at war with Eurasia

Started by Liggy, October 28, 2013, 07:29:48 AM

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As of right now I feel most uncomfortable about Mashi, but this is closely followed by Dude, who has been inactive yet lingering in the background all game. Take the very first post of Night 1 for example, Dude tries making connection to the Human PM in a half-serious manner. After dude I feel suspicious about bubbles next due to the log, but both Bubbles, Bird, and Yugi have been both suspicious at times and equally semi-inactive so it's hard to really take a stab at who could be working with who.


Going to take my vote off of Bird given the new information and put a placeholder on The_Subjective_Thought at the moment.  Phase ends in 25 minutes, so I'm not sure if we can do much, especially since it doesn't seem that many people are here.


Not to mention, why does dude just suddenly jump ship with mashi and place a vote on me without explaining why he's convinced? Even the log shows a strange warmth between Mashi and Dude(although I take it you both always refer to one another this way(Im obv just jealous)). Nevertheless, it leaves a vibe of a sort of partnership here.


Doodle tends to do that a lot, despite not knowing my Role.  Here's the log between him and me:

[7:20:43 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): hiii
[7:23:52 PM] Mashi: Doodleee.
[7:24:01 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): how u b
[7:24:07 PM] Mashi: i b wel
[7:24:11 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): good
[7:24:16 PM] Mashi: hi hi how do you do
[7:24:29 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): :P
[7:25:43 PM] Mashi: doodle do you think nakah is a wolf
[7:26:03 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): not really
[7:26:05 PM] Mashi: sauce insists the log is likely real and i think hes being ridiculous
[7:26:11 PM] Mashi: what is with you people
[7:26:39 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): if i kill him will yo be happy
[7:26:46 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): *vote
[7:26:56 PM] Mashi: no because you have to actually think hes a wolf
[7:27:04 PM] Mashi: Do you think his log is legitimate?
[7:27:05 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): ok :(
[7:27:16 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): It goes with Bubbles' one
[7:27:20 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): i mean
[7:27:30 PM] Mashi: what
[7:27:31 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): along with birds
[7:27:44 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): if you look at the timestamps
[7:28:00 PM] Mashi: Where did Greg possibly imply him being part of the Brotherhood in Bubbles's log?
[7:28:15 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): i think she was just posting what she had
[7:28:21 PM] Mashi: She did.
[7:28:27 PM] Mashi: And I posted the rest.
[7:28:35 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): ok
[7:28:47 PM] Mashi: I'm going to make a post explaining why the log is ridiculously fake.
[7:28:57 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): but you just posted the log
[7:29:00 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): how is that fake
[7:29:16 PM] Mashi: I'm talking about Nakah's log.
[7:29:21 PM] Mashi: Not the one Bubbles or I posted.
[7:29:22 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): isn't it the same?
[7:29:36 PM] Mashi: did you read the logs doodle
[7:29:41 PM] Mashi: do you even know what were talking about
[7:29:41 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): no
[7:29:45 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): not really :P
[7:29:47 PM] Mashi: this is probably
[7:29:52 PM] Mashi: why you dont know whats going on
[7:29:58 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): okkk
[7:30:07 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): I don't like to read though :(
[7:30:12 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): I'll skim through though
[7:30:31 PM] Mashi: I'm making a post if you're still so lazy.
[7:30:34 PM] Mashi: Skimming would be nice though!!!
[7:31:17 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): ok i see
[7:31:27 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): you mean the personal one?
[7:31:35 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): *private
[7:31:37 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): whatever
[7:32:01 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): when does the phase end
[7:32:18 PM] Mashi: Today.
[7:32:21 PM] Mashi: Forget what time.
[7:32:24 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): why
[7:32:27 PM] Mashi: 9PM, I think.
[7:32:32 PM] Mashi: Why what?
[7:32:38 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): Why should i forget the time
[7:32:41 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): :P
[7:32:42 PM] Mashi: I mean
[7:32:43 PM] Mashi: :P
[7:32:46 PM] Mashi: I forget the time!!!
[7:32:58 PM] Mashi: I leave out "I" from my sentences sometimes!
[7:33:01 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): ok
[7:33:08 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): I know i'm just messing with you :P
[7:33:11 PM] Mashi: :P
[7:34:45 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude):
[7:35:36 PM] Mashi: ilu doodleee
[7:35:43 PM] Mashi: And no, I'm not a Wolf! :(
[7:35:50 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): you better not be
[7:35:55 PM] Mashi: The only thing I'm worried about is Mnipax.
[7:36:11 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): ah
[7:36:22 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): you mean the vote switching one?
[7:36:24 PM] Mashi: Because I think it might be possible that if Nakah is a Wolf, he may have used his power on himself and me or someone else.
[7:36:25 PM] Mashi: Yeah.
[7:36:38 PM] Mashi: So we all vote Nakah who's evidently faking stuff
[7:36:45 PM] Mashi: And then someone else is lynched.
[7:36:58 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): hmm
[7:37:02 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): does it only last one phase?
[7:37:05 PM] Mashi: It's confusing though, because Wolves have no reason to do that except to show off.
[7:37:09 PM] Mashi: Yeah.
[7:37:18 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): ok
[7:37:56 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): where's the chat
[7:37:58 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): i keep forgetting
[7:39:12 PM] Mashi: I'll get it.
[7:39:23 PM] Mashi:
[7:41:42 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): no one
[7:41:43 PM] Alex Malarky (Dude): :(
[7:42:21 PM] Mashi: I'll be there in a few minutes!!!


So vote count goes:

Nakah: 1(dude)
TST: 2(yugi, Mashi)
Mashi: 2(nakah, bird)

   Kitb so far, with 15 minutes to go.



okay nakah said to change my vote again so the_subjective_thought again i guess???


The Subjective Thought more like An Objective Feeling.

I guess?

Day 3 is over; The_Subjective_Thought was lynched.  It is now Night 4.  Night ends Wednesday, November 7th, @ 9:00 PM EST.

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. Yugi
4. Bubbles
5. Dude
6. The_Subjective_Thought
7. fank009
8. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
9. K-NiGhT
10. Mashi
11. Bird
12. Nakah


Yeah let's just end this.

Night 4 is over; Mashi, Yugi, and Nakah have died.  Day 4 will never start, and never end.

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. Yugi
3. Greg
4. Bubbles
5. Dude
6. The_Subjective_Thought
7. fank009
8. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
9. K-NiGhT
10. Mashi
11. Bird
12. Nakah



Quote21:15   Nakah   Mashi did you get liggy on that update yet?
21:16   Mashi   He hasn't responded.
21:18   bird   I can just tell you what happened if you want.
21:19   Mashi   did you win twg bird
21:20   bird   Basically!
21:20   Mashi   gj
21:20   Nakah   ya wolf
21:20   Nakah   I knew I recruited one
21:20   Mashi   whos your partner
21:20   bird   To be fair, the game was apparently really balanced in our favor. You guys couldn't have won this phase!
21:20   Nakah   glad I came out at least
21:20   bird   guess
21:20   Mashi   umm
21:20   Mashi   thesubjectivethought
21:20   Nakah   dude
21:20   Mashi   idk
21:20   Nakah   GREG
21:20   Nakah   jk
21:20   Mashi   Hahaha.
21:20   bird   That would be crazy
21:21   Nakah   it was liggy
21:21   Mashi   Bubbles???
21:21   Nakah   he can't tell us
21:21   Nakah   at least we have an admitted wolf
21:21   Nakah   you're goin down!
21:22   bird   no way

In case you don't like to read, bird is a wolf and he is also in the brotherhood. He has a seering power to use tonight.
