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Yugi Reviews Games

Started by Yugi, November 28, 2014, 01:13:02 AM

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So I wanted to improve my writing skills and my ability to think things objectively, so I decided that it would be an interesting idea to make a game review. I asked some people what game I should do, and someone said that a review of FFX would be interesting, so here we go!

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X

System: PS2, PS3, PS Vita, probably going to be ported to PC given what Square is doing currently.
Price: Got it for around $25 second hand, although prices are going to be different.
Length: I played it for around 60 hours?
Completion Level: Got to the ending, and am trying to defeat the Dark Aeons that are in my version for some reason. (Note, I actually completed the game up to the end of Zanarkand a couple of years ago, but only managed to complete the game this year, I still remember a considerable majority of it, though!)
Why I decided to play: Was twelve and obsessed with Final Fantasy at the time, bought it because it was on sale.

Final Fantasy X is the tenth entry in the critically acclaimed Final Fantasy series; which has gone on to enter itself into multiple forms of media (including movies, an anime that was released in 2001, and even a radio drama!), and has managed to sell over 100 million units worldwide. It is widely considered to be one of the most prominent RPG franchises out there, and is considered to be one of the most prominent gaming series over its 40 year reign.

However, Final Fantasy X seems to be one of the more divisive entries in the series on the internet, mostly in regards to its story and characters. While some hate the story because of its flat, sometimes plain annoying characters, and because it has scenes that are sometimes impossible to take seriously; others like it because of the development that some of the cast members do get, and because of the world and setting that the game takes place in. Enjoyment of the game heavily depends on the person playing the game here, and I doubt that everyone would share my opinion of the game. What is my opinion, you say?

I like it! While I can admit that some of the characters (*cough*Wakka*cough*) could have used more development and involvement in the story; the others generally have development and active involvement in the story at one point or another, and considering that the cast are completely varied in design, backstory and personality, this is a good thing to have in a huge rpg like FFX. The Story, while typical FF fare (ragtag bunch of misfits team up against a corrupt majority, but secret third party comes in), actually brings up some valid points about sacrifice and racism in society, and it's worth checking out just for that if you're interested in those things.

In terms of gameplay, FFX changed the system in which battles are fought completely, and for the better. Rather than having to wait forever for someone's turn to come up, you input everyone's turns in at once, and then everyone goes in a set order depending on their speed. It now makes battles much faster and less boring, and it makes forming a strategy for a battle much easier, as (now that you know when everybody is going to perform their turn) you are now aware on when the enemies are going to attack, meaning that you can stay back and guard or go full throttle on your enemies when you think the time is right.

Final Fantasy X is not without its flaws though. While I think the story is great, a considerable majority of the individual scenes don't leave much of an impact, or (for example, the scene I linked above) are impossible to take seriously (while it is a good scene for Tidus' character, it makes no sense outside of context). The majority of the sidequests (especially the monster collection sidequests) are tedious and grindy, and some of these sidequests are inaccessible until you fight a superboss who is far above the players level when you're first able to access it. The game also has a tendency to lock you into an area until you beat a boss sometimes, making some boss battles unwinnable because the game decided to make you stay into a place where you can't EXP grind.

Overall, while I do like Final Fantasy X a lot, there are some problems with it that prevent me from calling it my favourite Final Fantasy Game, which normally dissolve to gameplay and sidequests.

Final Score: 5/7

Critique of what I have written here is appreciated!


Quote from: Yugi on November 28, 2014, 01:13:02 AMI asked some people what game I should do
When you say it this way, I imagine you walking out onto the street and randomly asking people what game you should do.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


That was exactly how I did it, BDS.


Before I even click that link, I'm gonna guess it's the scene of tidus and yuna forcing themselves to laugh.



I am amazing.



Searching for a way to fix this problem.


I like how yugi's review topic is the place where bots go.