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when are good game going to be PS3 exclusive?

Started by KINGOFTH3CASTLE, February 27, 2008, 01:01:29 PM

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all the games that are coming out somewhat seem rushed... and every year i see myself buying less and less new games and more old games... but yea... i have a ps2 and since the ps3 doesn't do the back thing then i'm probaly not gonna get it until it does... (but i want to play metal gear sold 4 and Call of Duty 4 so bad! cause the previous games for both series were good =D)
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<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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Super Zombie

The only things the PS3 has going for it so far are Resistance, Ratchet and Clank, God of War, and Little Big Planet. The problem with developers making games exclusively for it is that developers want to make money. And if I were a developer and I had the option of making a game for five hundred people or one weird emo kid, with the added bonus of not being able how to make the game because the console was designed poorly, I would choose the first option.

Oh, and didn't you all hear? FFXIII is going to be on the Xbox 360.


Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on February 27, 2008, 03:52:51 PMFanboy.  >:(  Anyways, one of the games that I'm most looking forward to is Team Ico's new PS3 EXCLUSIVE project.  Okay sure we don't know anything about it but HEY!  It's going to be awesome and a PS3 exclusive.  Also there is Resistance 1 & 2,  LittleBig World, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank Future, Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War 3.

Forgot about Team Ico, wonder what they will make (It'll of course be good). Only chance I'm getting a PS3 is if my parents buy one to serve as a blu-ray player which is highly unlikely to happen for a while. And I think FF versus XIII is still a PS3 exclusive.

Super Zombie