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Mlf's Game Reviews and Top 5's!

Started by Sebastian, February 20, 2014, 10:12:42 AM

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What Top 5 should I do next?

Top 5 Baddies that make me RAGE
Top 5 worst Mario Kart 8 Tracks
Top 10 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Songs
Top 5 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Songs
Top 5 Greatest Mysteries of Nintendo Games


That was a surprisingly good list! Keep it up!



This one was fun to figure out and write :) I hope you enjoy it :)  Please  leave comments, suggestions, criticism and more! I LOVE to hear what you guys have to say :)

                                                                              Top 5 Worst Mario Kart 8 Tracks

Remember, this is MY opinion not the gospel truth. And I'd really like to here your thoughts and disagreements :)

Yes, Grumble Volcano. This one barely made the list....I just think this level is SO annoying.
First, you got the parts of rock that are shaking and when you go on them you go down to the lava and you have to wait.... while everyone gets ahead. Next, this level is just so....bland: The music is bland, the graphics are bland; it's not very colorful, you dont use anti-gravity, and it gets boring. As I said before, this one barely makes the list, but it isn't one of my favorites.

Donut Plains 3........ when I first played this level, I was just plain dissappointed. I mean... Its so turny and curvy and so hard to use the "Blue Sparks" on it. Secondly, its so muddy which makes it slippery which also makes it hard to turn....on a really turny level!! Lastly..... and not leastly, it is very short. Such a short level should have been more spicy and detailed.

Ok....Dry Dry Desert. Where do I start? This level is probably one of the most bland levels of Mario Kart 8. It's just not well thought up at all like they were in a hurry to finish this level. There are NO places you use anti-gravity, the music is annoying and repetitive, there is water in the level but......c'mon water in a Desert (guess it could be an oasis  :P)
They really could of made this a neat level especially with all the anti-gravity, kite, etc.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Bone-Dry ruins! Ok this level is ok. There is a ton weird stuff all the way through and dry bonesall through out and kinda bland and boring. But...the biggest problem I have with it is that...its...INSULTING!!! I cant beleive Nintendo actually released a level about Dry Bowser without releasing him as an actual player!
I was really looking forward to having Dry Bowser and a few others come out...that weren't
released...that's another story for another time. Anyway, I was really pissed off when I saw this  >:(

Well, I've got to say about this one, Rainbow Road N64. This one was one of my favorites from N64 and I was so HYPED when I heard it was coming out on Mario Kart 8! But, however, when it came out It was a HUGE dissappointment... They changed the level to have 3 different legs of the race, not 3 laps of the same course. There are Chain Chomps bounding all upon road and getting in your way and even smashing you. It gets annoying. And the places where there are's just really goofy and stupid. There are also toads throwing coins at you from a train  :P

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed it :) Please leave a comment and tell me what you think :)
And check out my other Top 5's!

Good Day!
Aaand "Top 5 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Songs" will be out next!


Awww Dry Dry desert is a classic.  Changing it too much would be a bad thing!
As it is I like the new textures.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on July 10, 2014, 01:22:16 PMAwww Dry Dry desert is a classic.  Changing it too much would be a bad thing!
As it is I like the new textures.
I guess....but they did change other classic s a lot...


I really like the top 5 gaming mysteries, it was such a fun read!


I'll have to disagree with your list. I liked the rainbow road from 64 better than the new one. I can't stand Twisted mansion. It just feels empty aside from the twisting pathways that seem more of a graphical tech demo than a challenge. Personally, I think that the track design just wasn't as inspired as the previous titles, and they already used up all the good retro tracks.  :(


^couldnt disagree more.

Also MLF, I absolutely HATE Grumble Volcano and Dry Dry Ruins so that was an accurate list for me.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


With what you said about rainbow road, hadn't they done something like that in MK7 too, or am I just trippin?
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Quote from: maelstrom. on July 10, 2014, 07:51:17 PMI'll have to disagree with your list. I liked the rainbow road from 64 better than the new one.
I loved the Rainbow Road from N64, but...I hated the changes they made to the new one.