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Eric and Kelsey's Adventures in Alyos!

Started by EFitTrainr, November 07, 2012, 01:48:27 PM

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I now present a spin off of a spin off...
Eric and Kelsey's Adventures in Alyos!

Prologue (and bacon)
It was a late night.  I twirled in my swivel chair at the desk, messaging my friend Kelsey, otherwise known as Kman96.
"Dude, are you ready for this?" I asked.
Rather quickly, he responded, "Of course! I've already tweeted about it, AND posted it on NSM! Everyone's excited to hear how it goes!"

Me: "Aw, I wanted to be the one to post it on NSM... :("

Kelsey: "Haha ;)"

Me: "Hey, it's getting pretty late, so we should get to bed. We've got a big day ahead of us."

"A big day indeed," he replied. "Night, buddy. See you at the airport."
I logged out of Facebook, when my mom entered my room.
"Eric, something related to your father's job has come up in Edding. We're going to leave for the airport soon," she informed me.
"But mom, what about taking me to the airport so Kelsey and I can fly down to Grisleville?!" I was slightly annoyed.
"Don't worry, I've called Kelsey's mother. We're driving you to his house before we go to the airport. You're going to spend the night there, and his family will drive the two of you to the airport. Now go get your bags and your Pokemon ready!"

Shortly after that, we arrived at Kelsey's house. I thanked his mother, and crashed on their couch like I normally do.

I woke up in the morning to the smell of the most amazing meat known to man- fresh bacon! I shrugged off my blanket and walked over to the kitchen. Kelsey's mom offered me some bacon, which I promptly accepted. I sat down and began to eat it, when...   

"Get that out of your mouth!" Kelsey cried.

I dropped my bacon, and gaped at his rudeness.

"That oughta teach you," he sneered, sarcastically.
His mother gaped at his sudden action. "I made more, you know!"

I left Kelsey to my old plate of bacon, and got some more for myself.
"Anyways, what are you doing here? I thought we were rendezvousing at the airport?" Kelsey inquired.

I was unable to answer, due to my mouthful of bacon, but luckily I didn't have to.
"Eric's parents couldn't make the trip to the airport because something had come up over in Edding.  So they dropped him off here before you woke up!" Kelsey's mom explained.  "Now hurry up, you two! We don't want to be late for your flight down to Grisleville- Professor Wages is just dying to meet you!"
Kelsey ran up the stairs, presumably to get his gear.   
I waited at the bottom for him, when I heard him ask, "What Pokémon are you bringing along?"
"Haha, that's a surprise!" I said rather suspiciously.

During the car ride to the Boreal City Airport, I looked through my journal I kept while we were in Terrari, and I was glad to be home with my Pokemon safe and sound. (I did get a chuckle from looking at our FoG motto, though.)

When we arrived at the airport, I noticed a bunch of people I knew waiting to send us off. There was Nick and other Nick, Chris, and... was that Morgan? There were a couple other people I didn't know too, probably there for Kelsey. Then Tom walked up.
"Hey you two," Thomas said quietly. "You two are incredible. Don't ever forget that.  What happened in the past at Terrari doesn't matter, because it's over and done with.  You made it back to us, and now that we have you back, we're looking after you.  Kick ass, and take no prisoners.  Oh, and definitely send some money home to your mothers. It definitely helps, trust me."

I thanked him for his advice and kind words, and began saying my goodbyes. Soon, though, we had to leave. I double checked my gear quickly, while Kelsey did the same.   
I had my mobile phone, my town map, both journals (the one from Terrari and a brand new one I had bought the other day), clothes, a tent (and other camping supplies!), and a few other odds and ends.

I got through security and was getting ready to get on the plane, when I got a text message. I didn't show it to Kelsey, and when he asked what I was doing, I told him I was shutting my phone off. We both got on the airplane, buckled our seatbelts, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing:
This would be the greatest adventure of our lives...

...and we were ready.
I like food.