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Shadowkirby reviews soundtracks! (Totes not stole from slow)

Started by EFitTrainr, September 08, 2012, 12:51:30 PM

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Welcome to this amazing thread of amazingness!
My first soundtrack up for review will be....
By Murray Gold

God, I love this soundtrack. It's probably the best soundtrack Doctor Who has ever produced. Ever. And, it goes along with the best season. Ever.

Track listing time!

Disc 1:
1. Doctor Who XI
The opening theme for the show. Not my favorite version of it, as it's a bit too electronic, but it's still excellent.
And epic. I've listened to this one so many times.
2. Down to Earth
The opening theme to "The Eleventh Hour".
Rather quick paced, but still exciting.
I've made an arrangement of this one, if anyone's interested.
3. Little Amy
One of the new companion's themes. It's slightly haunting.
I really like this one too. It also includes the motif for the Time cracks.
4. Fish Custard
Starts out slow, but increases tempo as it goes on. From the rather humourous scene where the Doctor is trying new foods.
5. Can I come with you?
A slightly sadder version of Little Amy.
6. Little Amy: The Apple
god this song plays so many times in the first episode. Probably the best version on the CD.
7. The Sun's Gone Wibbly
Hurrah! The first version of I am the Doctor! (track 9)
8. Zero
The full version of this track never plays in the episode, which is a shame, as it's a very good song.
9. I am the Doctor
Here we are, the most brilliant track on the entire disc. I started arranging in the hope of eventually arranging this song. I am the Doctor is the main action theme for series 5, and it's quite fitting. Like "Little Amy", this song is heard in serveral other songs on the soundtrack.
10. The Mad Man With a Box
11. Amy in the TARDIS
Starts out as "Little Amy", transitions into the crack motif, then I am the Doctor plays. In a rather epic arrangement.
12. The Beast Below
13. Amy's Theme
The secondary theme for Amelia Pond. Also the best piece to come out of episode 2.
14. A Lonely Decision
15. A Tyrannical Menace
16. Victory of the Daleks
From Victory of the Daleks. I wonder how I figured that out. Plays when the new Dalek paradigm (Power Rangers?) appears.
17. Battle in the Sky
18. River's Path
From the beginning of "The Time of Angels"
And yay the return of River Song.
19. The Time of Angels
When Amy is in the room with the recording. Pretty Creepy.
20. I Offer You My Daughter
21. Chicken Casanova
Has I am the Doctor at the end.
22. Signora Rosanna Calverri
23. Cab for Amy Pond
24. Vampires of Venice
25. Wedded Bliss
26. This is the Dream
Very creepy theme, for a very creepy episode.
27. Rio de Cwmtaff
28. The Silurians

Disc 2 coming soon!
I like food.


Quote from: shadowkirby on September 08, 2012, 12:51:30 PMThe opening theme for the show. Not my favorite version of it, as it's a bit too electronic, but it's still excellent.
And epic. I've listened to this one so many times.
The Peter Davison verson was better in my opinion.


I like food.