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[XBOX360] Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - "Banjo Land"

Started by Meta-Ridley, December 01, 2010, 10:32:31 PM

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It's time we start doing some more Banjo-Kazooie arrangments - and finish arranging all much loved BK themes and songs!
Now as I think most of the music in N&B is not nearly up to scratch compared to BK and BT Banjo Land is an amazingly nostalgic arrangment that deserves
to be arranged. It would be lovley if someone could do this please. I would love for all the other BK songs to be arranged as well - the pile of unnaranged tunes is extensive
(check community project).

Thank you all

The Deku Trombonist

I can't check right now because my internet is going at snail speed, but was the music for Banjoland pretty much a medley of old BK/BT songs? Or was that a different level?


That's exactly what it is! The whole level is a museum of trivia from the previous Banjo games, so the music is a museum of Banjo tunes. In order, it goes Click Clock Wood, Freezeezy Peak (one of the best parts of the song!), Mad Monster Mansion, Gobi's Valley, Cloud Cuckooland (another excellent part), Mayahem Temple, Rusty Bucket Bay, and repeat!
Here's a link.

I would also really appreciate Banjo songs, especially from Tooie (where's Cloud Cuckooland?) as it's missing a lot more than the first one. And Deku, you should throw your Mumbo's Mountain arrangement in some update soon. Then I think all the levels from BK would be represented at least.
Guitar and video games.

The Deku Trombonist

Cool, I remember loving the intro to Freezeezy Peak played with REAL Horns when I first heard it.

Btw, Cloud Cuckooland can be found here.


 ^^ Agreed. Favourite parts of the medley was Freezeezy peek (in D sounds amazing :) ) and cloud cuckoo land - excitement of that piece was epic.
Now does any one want to arange it?

*edit - can you arrange it in a piano duet? Deku? Sekter? maybe Dahans?

The Deku Trombonist

Oh alright, but after I finish off the Epic Yarn stuff I'm working on.

Do you expressly want it as a piano duet? Or is a piano solo ok? And if you do want a duet, do you want it for 2 people on 1 piano, or 2 pianos?


well, it would be better as a duet for two pianos - you'd just miss out on the full awesomeness if you just did it as a piano solo. Thanks alot Deku. Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby's epic Yarn are out now... finally some oldschool music


Could anyone make "Banjo Land" from Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts?


*sigh* When Life gives you a music request, ignore it like it isn't there just to make Life feel bad about itself.


Sorry about that. Usually it's pretty hard to get a request taken around here since everyone is already working on all sorts of arrangements they want to do. Not to mention that aranging usually takes a while and adding another song to the queue can eat a lot of time. You've just got to be patient when making a request.

Fortunately, someone already requested Banjoland and DekuTrombonist said he'd do it. I don't know when he'll get around to finishing it though.
Guitar and video games.


Oh. That's nice to know then.