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The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Started by UpperHand, March 04, 2008, 08:16:47 PM

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Anyone else here seen it? Such an amazing documentary.

If you haven't heard of it, "The King of Kong" revolves around the true story of Steve Wiebe, some guy from the midwest who wants to break the world record for the Donkey Kong arcade game. He's trying to take the title from Billy Mitchell, the original guy who holds the record from 1980s.

If you haven't seen it, go get rent the dvd, or download a torrent.

If you have seen it, discuss.


Saw it about a month ago with another gamer friend of mine.  It was pretty much great.
What I found most interesting was how, in no uncertain terms, Billy Mitchell was the villain.  There was no dancing around the issue, no moral ambiguities.  He was the evil hot sauce tycoon who was trying to prevent the nice family man from achieving his goal, and he would prevent it by any spiteful and cowardly means necessary.
It's really a wonder that Mitchell signed off on the release forms, considering how badly he's portrayed... unless he's so egotistical that he doesn't see his own flaws.

In sadder news, Mitchell actually took back the record from Wiebe since the movie was released.