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TWG XI: Host Signups

Started by master_gamer38, September 18, 2010, 08:19:19 PM

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You guys are dumbasses for considering DRP's game over Dude's just because of his inactivity as a player. Hosting and Playing are two very different ball fields, and in my experience I have always seen the best of hosts come out of players who take a 'laid-back' stance towards the game. The rest of you are being eager and presumptuous as fuck.

Will: You had no reason to attack Dude about his hosting abilities out of contrast with his playing performance. Like I said, I've seen the better of hosts come from those who don't really want to play the actual game as much.

A note to everyone: HUMANS TEND TO BE LESS ACTIVE THAN OTHER PLAYERS. For obvious reasons. Sure, an inactive player is never good, but in the human's case such inactivity is always more abundant. If you're going to point out Dude, then you'd better point out a lot of others along with him.

Really, I should ban anyone who targeted Dude about his activity in relation to hosting. It's complete idiocy, and flaming is against the forum rules.

Look at this thread, it's been three weeks nearly since the last failure of a TWG, and you guys have come to no resolution. MG and I have had to walk you guys through this whole thread, to the point where I had to set a deadline for the goddamn decision. That shouldn't be how it works, and in the past at other sites I have played on, everyone came to a mutual agreement about who they wanted to host. If some didn't agree with the majority for who they wanted to host their next game, they didn't complain and begin throwing flame wars over it.

I've seriously had enough of this from you guys. You're proving incapable of being rational and mature enough to settle your own arguments in an adult manner. In other words, you're acting like goddamn 14 year olds who throw tantrums over losing their WoW accounts and getting their gamecubes taken away. Mind that this isn't directed at all of you, and those of you who didn't contribute to this failed host thread know who you are. There's going to be serious structure and order brought to this TWG forum within the upcoming week, and I'm going to ensure that a system is put in place that doesn't let this shit go unchecked. Expect to see some new TWG formatting very soon.

   Dude is entitled to hosting with the same credibility as DRP, without regard to either of their game performances. Askalice shouldn't use one to critique the other. That's the end of it.

   The vote was cast by slowpokemon for drp to host, so by this valid reason drp received the right to host the next game, but due to the failure of this thread and people's incapability to take the game more lightly and settle things peacefully, I'm going to cast a final vote now on Dude, granting him the equal opportunity of hosting through a KitB(If he still wishes to host, in light of this whole troll war). This thread really shows that many of you aren't able to run things peacefully on your own.


Holy shit, 9 replies made while I was typing that up, and still nothing was resolved.

   This thread is locked until I decide what happens with this game.


With the implementation of TWC, I'll open this back up. I'm going to force my vote on Dude to count, due to the whole lack of respect for other members that occurred on the previous pages, and so I'm granting host to the winner of this KitB.

  1= Drp's game

  2= Dude's game

  The number generated by was: 1

   So drp, you're up for hosting this game. Since both MG, Mashi, and I already reviewed and fixed your game, you already have TWC member approval. I'll open up Signups for your game and you can take it from there.

   Hopefully Host Signup threads never have to go like this again guys. With TWC filtering every member wishing to host, only balanced games should be entering the host signup threads. From now on, majority votes will decide who hosts.