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TWG X: Postgame

Started by master_gamer38, September 18, 2010, 10:11:38 AM

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1. Dude - Wolf
2. drpamplemousse - Human
3. Jub3r7 - Wolf
4. ETFROXX - Human
5. SuperRiolu - Human
6. SlowPokemon - Human - Vigi
7. Askalice23 - Human
8. Nakah - Human
9. Jake3343 - Wolf
10. Concerto No. 20 in D minor - Human

Polygraph is still unknown.

Welp, this was horribly one sided, but two lucky vigis almost saved it. I don't have much else to say. I'll open host signups later tonight.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Replying to Dude's comment in the game--

Yes, but you don't care so well! It's that which makes you an expert TWGer. ;)

I don't know why you bothered making a post-game thread, MG. :P We pretty much covered it all already...
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Can't wait to post my story... it is epically amazing, and it shows a longtime rivalry!!!


I'm pretty much always inactive guys, it's kinda how I play unless I get into intense conversation on IRC. Good game?


Yeah, except I failed a bit. Jake says I did good for a first game, but meh.  :P

Towards the end of the day phase where I got lynched, I sent Jake a pm telling him to go head insta me to avoid suspicion.
BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING, I am aware of the fact that he probably would have done it anyways.
I just feel better telling myself that I helped a little...  :D

If anyone ever has me as a wolf on their side from now on, and I'm about to die anyways, feel free to vote me.
I don't want to be the downfall of the team I'm on, like I almost was in this TWG.

Anyways, should we have the MVP award given by MG, or should we vote on it?
Meh, MG, go head give it.
And the MVW(olf) award goes to.... not me!!!! or Jake3343.
Self-explanatory, although he gave himself away to drp when he said that he wasn't sure if I was a wolf or not.
Thanks, Jake.... and sorry.  :(
Dude also did very good (with his expert inactiveness), but Patrick never made it to the hall of fame....

Candidates for MVP: Slow, drp, askalice23, and others.
Most of the others were either wolfed/lynched too early in the game and weren't able to contribute as much.
If I missed any players that were still alive and kicking in the last part of the game, let me know.
Slow: You did good, but next game(s), when you are too busy to fully read other player's posts, at least try to skim them to make sure you aren't about to bandwagon on a safety. Also, if we end up on the same team next game, I hope we can work together!
drp: Mostly accurate accusations, but.... more details, please. If you don't give (immediate) reasoning as to why you are voting for someone during the vote post, people might jump to the conclusion that you are jumping to conclusions, just as a wolf might do.
Other than that, your votes were accurate 80% of the time, which is very good in TWG.
askalice: Whenever I read through past TWG's, I get bad vibes from you [], whether you are a wolf or not. However, in this game, I tried to see things as a human would, which showed me that you were able to completely eliminate those negative thoughts.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


MVP probably should go to askalice. Although he did mess up a bit at the end, he was a very helpful human.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


haha i played alright... im still mad at myself for letting those drp is a wolf thought get the better of me.... see if i listened to slow we would have won... but i had to go with my gut... i think mvp should not go to me.. i think id give it to slow jake or drp


MVP in this game, blah. The game was horribly one sided, and it was two lucky vigis that gave the human a chance. And for the wolves, they had it easy from the start. So, I'm saying MVP is NO ONE. This game flopped, and I don't think there should really be anything that comes out of it.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


alot of things are based off of luck in twg.... so the fact that the humans were able to make it that far is a victory in and of itself... idk why we allowed sfk to host and im sorry but i just wanna get this out there... at times i felt like you wanted this game to fail miserably because we didnt pick you to host


Well, I said I'd host to prevent a game like that from happening.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Did the hurricane pass his way?

mg, I actually did like your game, though. Other people didn't like the concept off the wolf that wouldn't be lynched until the first two were dead. Although it might be very interesting and waste a whole day phase for the humans if they guessed the wrong wolves, they wouldn't have as many wolves to guess.

Let's not flame SFK too much.
Sure, he messed up with the hosting, but it's sometimes better to give them a second chance.
But he can't escape flaming completely. Not until he learns his lesson, at least. XD

Speaking of which, he also needs to write those stories. Let's not forget to remind him when he comes back.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


no hard feelings in my comment mg... i personally wanted your game to happen and i didnt want sfk to host.. im really happy about the new rules on hosting