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Weird playback glitch?

Started by universe-X, February 28, 2010, 10:26:36 AM

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Hey everyone. I was about to make a piano score of the Bouldergeist battle from SMG... when this (not-so) funny glitch appeared. Well, now when I open the score (on Finale Notepad 2008), I can't manually add notes, and when I add a "pink note" an ear pops up, replacing my cursor. And whenever I click on a measure or outside of the paper, it automatically starts playing from the measure I clicked, even though I have it set on the notation-thingamubobber. Also, when I play a measure with notes, it takes no regard for dynamics or trills (as far as I know) What is this? How do I fix it? I think it might've started when I was testing out the layer button, because it's never happened before that.


Yeah, that used to happen to me when I worked with 2008. I'm not sure what causes it, but your best bet is to close the program for a while and open it again later; that worked for me.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.
