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The fear topic

Started by Petpetfood, July 31, 2009, 05:15:26 AM

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Im also afraid of ocean's depths...


Oh yeah, heights and the ocean.  I really never want to go in the ocean, freshwater lakes are fine, but I can not handle the thought of sharks and squids etc..even if they are "harmless to humans".


To be honest, I'm not scared of marine life, as such, but being caught in an ocean current, being too far under sea level and drowning. There's so much water!  :P

Quote from: Harvest on July 31, 2009, 07:38:14 PMOh yeah, heights and the ocean.

Humans are meant to stay on the ground. XD


You know how at dark you start to 'see' things in the dark? well that's me. oh and the future. It isn't set in stone and i think about it the whole time.

All the other common phobias are meh to me, bugs, heights, etc.


Now that i think about it, I don't really have any irrational fears. I used to be scared of spiders - now I'm just like: DIIIIEEEE *squishes spider with a dumbbell)


I'm also scared of fire, but that fear still doesn't compare to snakes. Every time I go outside at night time, I get the chills and become very aware of whats going on around me because of the fact that there could be a snake around.


I'm afraid of darkness. No, not really the darkness itself. I fear things that could be in it. Like when I stay awake until late in the night and switch of my computer and all lights... my bed is in another room and I still have to go there. It is pitch black everywhere. Now, everytime I open my door to get out I'm thinking about some guy standing behind the door in the dark. I didn't even watch some horror in the past which could have scared me like that... Having a midnight walk is no problem though.  :'(


Quote from: Dalonzo on July 31, 2009, 11:15:21 PMYou know how at dark you start to 'see' things in the dark? well that's me.

Sometimes I dream stuff that I immediately forget when I wake up, then days, months or years later I experience Deja Vu and realise I dreamt about it. And occasionally, I dream about something so much that I'm thoroughly convinced that it's real. :P

Psychic, man.  :o


QuoteThird, probably both inherited from my Mum who watched Titanic when she was 9 and got scarred for life, and playing too much Endless Ocean.

Your mum was born in 1988?

Same things here, really. I thrive best above 1 meter below the ocean surface, and below 2 meters above the ground. Also, I don't like fire. Sudden shocks also scare the excrements out of me.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


What's funny is that I'm scared shitless of heights, yet I love going skiing and go on ski lifts all the time.  I also really want to fly a jet sometime.

me irl


Perhaps its not the heights that scare us, it's the falling from heights that gets us going.


Yap. Im
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on August 01, 2009, 07:39:00 AMscared shitless of heights
too, but I love Roller coasters, skiing, high pool boards (7 mts max), aquatic parks, etc..
The occasions where I get really frightened is when Im at the top of a building, and I look downstairs. I almost die with a heart attack


Yeah, I love rollercoasters too.  I guess it's just a ton of fun to challenge my fear, yeah I have the same deal with just looking down from some huge height and freaking out.

me irl


Quote from: Cobraroll on August 01, 2009, 07:03:10 AMYour mum was born in 1988?

Umm... the older version of Titanic. ;D I'm not too sure, it was either the original movie if there was one, or a documentary about it. She was born in '69. :P

I think I failed...
