windows song

Started by zahndy, March 10, 2008, 02:10:48 PM

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her es a nice song thats already on you pc  :p
first go to start and then computer, ->    C:   ->
WINDOWS -> system32 -> oobe -> images -> and then play the file called: title
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Concerto No.20 in D minor

lol, what is this for?


you will hear it when you install windows xp for the first time
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me irl


yeah i forgot to say that its only on xp
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Beethoven II

You are wrong my friend.

Quote from: zahndy on March 10, 2008, 02:10:48 PMher es a nice song thats already on you pc  :p
first go to start and then computer, ->    C:   ->
WINDOWS.old -> system32 -> oobe -> images -> and then play the file called: title

Pick that one instead.


there is even a star wars movie made with digits you know if you look on youtube and type secret movie on xp (or something like that) you'll find an instruction