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Mario games *sigh

Started by Sammacha, February 23, 2008, 03:06:05 PM

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Shiny Boy

Actually, Galaxy does a pretty good job of presenting the Mario series in a refreshing, new light.
On Ocarina versus Super Mario: Ocarina had a plot connecting events. And it had several unique bosses. Whereas Mario 64 had progressively bigger forms of Bowser. Mario started without explanation of the princess being kidnapped, whereas Ocarina had three whole dungeons before the bad guy even really revealed himself. Ocarina had items that made new areas exciting, whereas 64 had new areas that were in some cases more challenging and in others just ridiculously difficult.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


Quote from: razer84 on February 24, 2008, 04:46:22 PM
Quote from: PogoP on February 24, 2008, 02:43:56 PM
Quote from: G-Han on February 24, 2008, 09:08:34 AM
Quote from: iatetheinternet on February 24, 2008, 08:08:29 AMI really dont see what had made Super Mario 64 that special, sure it was the first 3D Mario and he got his first voice, But come on poeple say it was better than Ocarina of Time.... W...T...F.

At what points was Ocarina of Time better? It's story was completely lame: princess got kidnapped (again) by the evil guy, who had kidnapped her two times before. It's was epic because of its size in 3D, and we weren't used to large 3D-worlds, but there's nothing more to it.

I'm sorry, but I just had to register to say something about that statement.

You're saying OoT isn't as good as SM64 because the story is 'lame', in that its about a princess getting kidnapped?  Well what exactly is the story in SM64?

Oh wait, it's exactly the same.

And in my opinion, it really was the best game in its time.  I have so many nostalgic memories of it.  I also love SM64 too, but OoT is the one for me!

o_O you pwnt G-Han 8)

Agree, I didn't put it correctly into words. =p (I know how to attract new members! ^^) I just meant that Ocarina of Time doesn't have to be the best game ever because it's Ocarina of Time, that's what more and more people claim.


Aww, I feel bad now heh.

I'm new to the forums but I love the website, so many great arrangements there, nice work!


any mario game is a mario game, but like the new final fantasy's there are different people working.

they ruin what people that make good games over complex. this is the way to make great games horrible.
all hail the king of the castle

Shiny Boy

I don't think there are any "complex" Mario games to date, with the possible exception of the RPGs, most of which I have never played.
Even Galaxy really doesn't have that many features. After a little while you develop the reflex of flicking the cursor towards Star Bits. It's as intuitive as ever.
I haven't played any recent Final Fantasy games, so I have little to say on the matter. What I WILL say is, the original Final Fantasy is plenty complex already.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


Nintendo is relying too heavily on its successful past.

Nowadays it seems that the company is relying on the good name that past games have brought them.

Look at the Mario Party series. Mario Party came out in 1999. Mario Party 9 is coming out in 2008. Obviously Nintendo is still making it because people still buy it, but more and more critics are seeing through Nintendo's lack of originality.

Also, look at are the recycled NES and SNES games that appeared for GBA. Why were so many games reproduced?

...So yeah, I think that Nintendo's being too optimistic about reproducing games and making sequels. They can enjoy their current success at the moment, but when consumers become tired of repetitions and recycled gameplay, Nintendo will once again need to come up with something original, like they did in 1985 when they made Super Mario Bros.

...And this is just my opinion. I don't have a Wii, so I don't know what SSBB or Super Mario Galaxy play like.
Remember: Don't Shoot the Food.

Shiny Boy

Yeah, Mario Party is getting pretty annoying. It has TEN versions, including the GBA and DS ones.
The thing with releasing a new franchise is, people won't really know what to do. I think it would take a while to start selling. It'd seem foreign.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


I didn't really like the Mario Party for Wii, it was kinda boring, not as good as the originals :(


yeah i dont enjoy the mario party seires either

but you guys there comparing Mario 64 to Ocarnia of time my thought are
I really did love ocarina of time i love that kind of game and the series is really good However felt that Twilight princess was way to easy and predicatable

anyways going on the story or princess being kidnapped is just part of the series it happens in all of them if you change thatt he game wont be the same lol
it the puzzles in the dungeons and monster tha make it great not to mention the funny minigames and character

Mario 63 was cool because I felt they kept the traditional Mario game  into a 3D world, i cant think that there was anything wrong with the game though i havent played for a really long time now
Also Bowser is always taking peach too and i dont like seeing a baby bowser or the baby marios but i still though that yoshi Island was pretty good

and what Blackwaive said I agree with as well
Nintendo really neds to start making soem better games and not rely on the people who are stil playing the games they make only becasue they played the series in the past

the people who wanted to make something new did just that... They made new games not worthy of the MARIO  title....
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Ocarina of time is a good game
i really liked it, and yes zelda was captured again!
but she get captured all the games, exept majora's mask i think...

But super mario sunshine wasn't even made for a mario game actually...


As far as the Mario franchise goes, I didn't find Galaxy to great, but that was due to the complete and utter lack of difficulty. SM64 was just epic for me because it was the first game I ever bought, and I was pretty young (so everything was challenging and the mysteries were very fufilling to solve (Boo's Mansion anyone?)). I really think they overused Hungy Lumas in SMG. I mean in SMS the secret stars were challenging to find.

SM64 has nostalgia; I love the theme and atmosphere in SMS (it's like taking a vacation!), plus it has difficulty (secret stages) and exploration (Blue Coins); and SMG was so easy it felt like work to get every last (yes, even the last secret one) star.

But the fact that SMG tried something entirely different gives it +100 points. The Mario games have been trying something new every time. Then you look at TP... It's really just OoT 1.5...

OoT has amazing nostalgia points as well, and I don't think it's fair to compare SM64 and OoT. They're both so different! And you guys seem to be forgetting that SM64 is two years older than OoT. At the rate technology was evolving at that time it's even more unfair to compare these two titles.


Quote from: Eclipse on March 03, 2008, 08:16:26 PMOoT has amazing nostalgia points as well, and I don't think it's fair to compare SM64 and OoT. They're both so different! And you guys seem to be forgetting that SM64 is two years older than OoT. At the rate technology was evolving at that time it's even more unfair to compare these two titles.

Agreed.  OoT and SM64 were both great games, both with a whole different type of gameplay.  They really shouldn't be compared...  But if i had to choose which one I'd rather play, i would without a doubt choose OoT.  It just has so much more features than SM64, with just items alone.  And then there are the enemy's and bosses in OoT which were more fun and difficult to defeat.

Besides, the subject to this thread is "Mario Games *sigh"  how did Zelda games even get tied in?  O_o


First PogoP you just pwnt G-Han ;)
Second, I actually think that Oot is better tha SM64, maybe it's because i'm a real fanatic of Zelda games, but in general story is better(yeah even if in the two game a princess is kidnapped...). But you cannot compare(do this word exist?, sorry i'm french...) SM64 to Oot, they're just different (yeah except for the princess

But to my opinion, Oot is a little bit better


Quote from: Eclipse on March 03, 2008, 08:16:26 PMOoT has amazing nostalgia points as well, and I don't think it's fair to compare SM64 and OoT. They're both so different! And you guys seem to be forgetting that SM64 is two years older than OoT. At the rate technology was evolving at that time it's even more unfair to compare these two titles.

yeah i agree with that
im not really sure why people started comparing the two
the main point i was trying to make was that I like the fact that SM64 was a true Mario Game  with the character and the game play through the whole adventure

true they try different things but it think they should keep that for the hidden levels and leave the regular game as it was

i mean i loved the hidden levels in the Super Mario Sunshine, those were the onlypart of the game i wanted to play!
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